MMMmmm.. long weekends!

.. so I left work on a high note and at lunch! I love having extra long weekends. I don't have to go back to work til Monday!

Leaving in the early afternoon with two gf's to Moncton (2hrs away) for dinner and then a "Rope Night" with a bunch of old friends and new friends.. "Rope Night" is a night full of bondage, shibari, etc. demos and food and fun fun fun.. I can't wait!

I get to see my ex too on the way home. I haven't seen him in months and am going to stop by his work when I'm leaving town to have some words.. we shall see how it goes!


mmm extra jadedsouls time :D wait, you won't be here? :(

well anyway, have fun and enjoy your mini-vaca! we'll look forward to your return :)
I'm leaving here 3pm and be back probably 12hrs later.. Saturday night I'll be gone all evening and coming home drunk and horny most likely!
We are on the road now to new orleans for good food, good music and great sex.... Rope Night sounds a bit scary to me, but I'm sure you will have a devilishly wonderful time... Hope everyone has a safe and fun wkend~hugggs
New Orleans sounds like great fun! I haven't been there in a hell of a long time *lol* I was there twice for Mardis Gras before!

I'll tell you all about it when I get back or blog about it :)

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