My first blog entry

I want to write about my recent effort in losing weight and how its going good,im 5'11 height, i was 209 pounds the 15 of september, and that day (200 years of mexico independence aniversary) i decided to go back to the weight once i where (154).
Im quite odd, but the first time i decided to lose weight when i was 16, it was because i liked a girl, and i did drop like 55 pounds in like 4 months, no luck with the girl, and after i was 21 i dont cared anymore and gained weight (26 now), and then again cause a girl im doing this again, im so cheesy i know.
All started the 31 of november, i just dared to talk to her, i did, and it all went much better than expected, i know its a long shot (despite a friend says i do have a chance with the girl) , but i want to try, cause if i dnt try i will regret it, like i regret other chances i had.
So moving up to the weight loss, i started seriously last month at 198pounds, 2 week after that i got to 191pounds, then i decided to go to a nutritionist, that was 2 weeks ago, and after following the strict diet for two weeks i reach a mid goal 185pounds, now 176pounds is my next goal, when i get there i will go to a gym again in the mornings, until i get to 159.

So far at 185 i feel quite different, (when i was in the shower, i did noticed a little lenght gain from the fat im losing) i will blog again when i reach my next weight goal mark


Well done on your weight loss, mexdude!

It doesn't really matter what motivates you to lose weight, as long as you do it and maintain a healthy weight when you reach your goal. My own weight loss was helped along significantly by the prospect of reconnecting with my FB. You'll find that you feel so much better about yourself as you start to lose weight, and that in itself will help you with the girls - women are attracted to confidence, and a man who feels good about himself, is confident.

Good luck with both your weight loss and with the girl!
subgirrl;bt28268 said:
Well done on your weight loss, mexdude!

It doesn't really matter what motivates you to lose weight, as long as you do it and maintain a healthy weight when you reach your goal. My own weight loss was helped along significantly by the prospect of reconnecting with my FB. You'll find that you feel so much better about yourself as you start to lose weight, and that in itself will help you with the girls - women are attracted to confidence, and a man who feels good about himself, is confident.

Good luck with both your weight loss and with the girl!
Tnks :), i went to the nutritionist today for a weight check, and even she was surpriced that i lose 6 pounds in two weeks, in the afternoon i went to a dinner today, i was introduced to a girl, i liked her, but she was too busy helping and talking to other people, so i guess i will have to try nxt time, i did felt "better" and i did got some looks from women here and there, later at night i found out the girl that motivated to lose weight still has a BF, so i see it in a positive way, i will have more time, so the next time im able to talk to her, i will look even better, im working the confidence thing too, raise my chin a little more, swing my shoulders a little when i walk, and convince myself that im a better catch than other guys

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