My gateway drug to edging

Another old favourite. The title comes because I'd never tried edging- WTF the point in stopping and starting right? But a few years ago my BF was away and I thought I'd use my time well and have a go at edging.

I chose this hot dude shot as my whackymatter and just went for it. I thought it'd all be over in ten minutes because he had me horned to fuck but I really got into it and lasted 90 minutes and had 30 "Point of no returns" and yes all the time I was thinking about spearing his hairy orbs. I got well into it and hit this kind of trance zone where my mind was empty of everything except my cock, his arse and keeping the rhythm going. It was a really mind cleansing state and I felt like I'd had therapy through my cock!

I've learned to channel this state of mind now and it's become a transition state before gooning; another cock activity I'd never tried. So yeah, porn can change your life;)


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Pierced Bollocks
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