I love caring for my son. When he wakes up and smiles at me, that's the most amazing feeling in the world. I live for that smile. And there's nothing more precious than baby cuddles. When he curls up into a little ball against me, I want that moment to last forever.
My life consists of nothing but TheBaby right now. I keep up with every new weekly developmental change and we play the developmental games you're supposed to play. I make eye contact during breastfeeding to bond with him, and work on language development. Every hour of every day revolves around him.
Now that family is gone, I'm finding motherhood to be a little bit lonely. I have so much and so little time at once. Breastfeeding is a full time job, but not one that occupies my mind. I'm bored a lot. I spend a minimum of 5 hours a day feeding him, but much more than that most days, since I still have days when my milk production is lower than his appetite, which makes him feed longer and more frequently. TheBaby is still too young to put on a feeding schedule and I haven't been able to produce any excess milk to bottle feed him, so that makes all outings so short. I spend most of my time at home alone with him. I haven't had the courage to breastfeed him in public yet, but I have in front of family, using a shawl or other clothing for modesty. I think it would be easier if the weather were warmer.
It's absolutely amazing how much time it takes to care for a newborn, to realize at the end of the day that you've accomplished nothing but feeding and taking care of all hygiene issues for both of you. Even when my parents were here, everything still took forever. We had planned our first outing to the mall to buy me some nursing bras, and it took us 4 hours to get out of the house. First, we dressed both of us, filled up the diaper bag, and got the carrier. Then he got hungry, so I had to feed him and then burp him. Then he needed changing, whereupon he peed on both of us. Then I bathed him and blew dry myself, trying not to be bothered that I was going out with pee on me. Then I dressed him again. (Oh, and by then he was hungry again, so I fed him again.) It doesn't sound like it would take that long, does it? It does! We had started at 3 PM and now it was almost 7 PM and we still hadn't gone to the mall! I didn't realize that would be typical.
I miss being intimate with TheBF. The experience of time passing works in such strange ways. When I think of the past few weeks with my son, they passed much too quickly, but when I think of the last time me and TheBF really made love, it feels so long ago, like it was in a former lifetime. I started trying to dilate myself tonight. I'm being extra slow and careful, don't worry. My cervix feels better than it did a few weeks ago. I think the tears are healing.
I don't feel as close to TheBF as I did before and that makes me feel lonelier. We aren't sleeping in the same bed right now. We did at first, but when TheBF went back to work he was still waking up in the middle of the night every single time TheBaby cried and helping to care for him, doing such sweet things like bringing me food or tea to drink while I breastfed him, or walking him around the house to calm him down. After days of working all day and staying up half the night with me and TheBaby, he became dangerously exhausted. He never complained about it, but I became worried about him. That's when I told him that he needed to sleep downstairs on our spare bed in order to get enough sleep. Now he works during the day, and I've got the swing shift with TheBaby, sleeping when TheBaby sleeps, waking when TheBaby needs me to feed him or care for him. I am at his beck and call. It works in a practical way, but now it feels like I hardly ever see TheBF any more and I miss him dearly. The worst part of not sleeping in the same bed is the lack of simple physical affection. We hug less, cuddle less, and we kiss less often. Some nights when he has a lot of work to do, he goes into his home office to work after he comes home, and without telling me that he's going to sleep, he just heads downstairs. Even though we're in the same house, some nights I won't see him at all except when he first came home and gave me a kiss.
I feel like what I need more than anything is a date night with my husband, but I we can't have anyone babysit TheBaby until I can produce enough milk to bottle. I'm working on that as best as I can.
Life is so strange. I never thought that my entire social life would rest upon my ability to make more breastmilk, but it does.
In the meantime, I think we need to try to figure out how to get better quality time together at home, all three of us together. We need to figure it all out.
My life consists of nothing but TheBaby right now. I keep up with every new weekly developmental change and we play the developmental games you're supposed to play. I make eye contact during breastfeeding to bond with him, and work on language development. Every hour of every day revolves around him.
Now that family is gone, I'm finding motherhood to be a little bit lonely. I have so much and so little time at once. Breastfeeding is a full time job, but not one that occupies my mind. I'm bored a lot. I spend a minimum of 5 hours a day feeding him, but much more than that most days, since I still have days when my milk production is lower than his appetite, which makes him feed longer and more frequently. TheBaby is still too young to put on a feeding schedule and I haven't been able to produce any excess milk to bottle feed him, so that makes all outings so short. I spend most of my time at home alone with him. I haven't had the courage to breastfeed him in public yet, but I have in front of family, using a shawl or other clothing for modesty. I think it would be easier if the weather were warmer.
It's absolutely amazing how much time it takes to care for a newborn, to realize at the end of the day that you've accomplished nothing but feeding and taking care of all hygiene issues for both of you. Even when my parents were here, everything still took forever. We had planned our first outing to the mall to buy me some nursing bras, and it took us 4 hours to get out of the house. First, we dressed both of us, filled up the diaper bag, and got the carrier. Then he got hungry, so I had to feed him and then burp him. Then he needed changing, whereupon he peed on both of us. Then I bathed him and blew dry myself, trying not to be bothered that I was going out with pee on me. Then I dressed him again. (Oh, and by then he was hungry again, so I fed him again.) It doesn't sound like it would take that long, does it? It does! We had started at 3 PM and now it was almost 7 PM and we still hadn't gone to the mall! I didn't realize that would be typical.
I miss being intimate with TheBF. The experience of time passing works in such strange ways. When I think of the past few weeks with my son, they passed much too quickly, but when I think of the last time me and TheBF really made love, it feels so long ago, like it was in a former lifetime. I started trying to dilate myself tonight. I'm being extra slow and careful, don't worry. My cervix feels better than it did a few weeks ago. I think the tears are healing.
I don't feel as close to TheBF as I did before and that makes me feel lonelier. We aren't sleeping in the same bed right now. We did at first, but when TheBF went back to work he was still waking up in the middle of the night every single time TheBaby cried and helping to care for him, doing such sweet things like bringing me food or tea to drink while I breastfed him, or walking him around the house to calm him down. After days of working all day and staying up half the night with me and TheBaby, he became dangerously exhausted. He never complained about it, but I became worried about him. That's when I told him that he needed to sleep downstairs on our spare bed in order to get enough sleep. Now he works during the day, and I've got the swing shift with TheBaby, sleeping when TheBaby sleeps, waking when TheBaby needs me to feed him or care for him. I am at his beck and call. It works in a practical way, but now it feels like I hardly ever see TheBF any more and I miss him dearly. The worst part of not sleeping in the same bed is the lack of simple physical affection. We hug less, cuddle less, and we kiss less often. Some nights when he has a lot of work to do, he goes into his home office to work after he comes home, and without telling me that he's going to sleep, he just heads downstairs. Even though we're in the same house, some nights I won't see him at all except when he first came home and gave me a kiss.
I feel like what I need more than anything is a date night with my husband, but I we can't have anyone babysit TheBaby until I can produce enough milk to bottle. I'm working on that as best as I can.
Life is so strange. I never thought that my entire social life would rest upon my ability to make more breastmilk, but it does.
In the meantime, I think we need to try to figure out how to get better quality time together at home, all three of us together. We need to figure it all out.