My Son, I'm proud of you!

Its been almost 7 months since my son has been home. He enlisted in the US Army and yesterday graduated from his Army job training after completing basics. Finally completed something besides high school( and that was a task in its self), ADHD does have its challenges. Maybe I'll blog about that one day.

I wonder how many other young people struggle in their post high school years trying to define the rest of their lives. He tried college, enrolled drop classes, enrolled drop classes for 3 years before realizing that college was not for him at this time.

So tomorrow I pick him up at the airport, will probably go to his favorite place to eat lunch and than I won't see him again until I drop him off at the airport in two weeks I suppose. LOL He is too social, another problem in itself. I wish he was more like me sometimes. Haha. We have plans my wife, him and I so that would be nice.

He will be going to Korea for his job, thats a good thing I guess.

Because he will be home, my time on LPSG will be very minimal. besides the pledge I made a blog ago to curb my apetite to fulfill my sexual interests and needs. It was getting too way out of hand in my opinion. (refer to my last blog, you can comment if you want too). So except for some checking on things, no caming (it would traumatize him for life if he catches me !!!:eek: doing what I like to do on cam) definetly not.

It's times like this and I think back 20 years when he was 2 and we just went out trick or treating, him in a cute pumpkin outfit, than later on at 3or 4 being a white power ranger, that you feel a great sense of accomplishments. There were challenges, but that is what caused us to become closer and appreciate the fact that we survived. And, he has become a man that my wife and I can be proud of. So to my son I am proud of your success and the life that it will lead you to!!:smile:

Oh btw, lost 20 lbs since 5 weeks ago when I started vigouresly exerciseing and watching my food intake. Hitting 56 next week and want to stay vim and vigor for as long as I can.

OMG i said it, hitting fifty six. I still feel like Im in my twenties and thirties.

Age is just a number. :rolleyes:



I agree Al, that age is just a number... only needed for the birth certificate and death certificate... everything in between is all mental and attitude. Congrats on the milestones with your son. I too have lived to hear my daughter say things I swore I'd never live to hear... kinda melts your heart and makes you remember what is important.
FancyPants;bt38437 said:
I agree Al, that age is just a number... only needed for the birth certificate and death certificate... everything in between is all mental and attitude. Congrats on the milestones with your son. I too have lived to hear my daughter say things I swore I'd never live to hear... kinda melts your heart and makes you remember what is important.

Let's not forget discounts on Tuesday's and the special menus at Denny's, haha!

Thanks T u sweety!
Understand the being proud. Both of mine sons have served and one still there. They're my new heros. I'll stand up for your also and salute.
it's always great to hear a proud father talk with love about his son.
I'm 57, and my heart beats out of my chest, when I think about my boy.
Thanks for sharing it. You made my day.
Dude. we can only imagine all the mixed emotions you must be going through. But we are all thankful for his and your sacrifices and we Dads all can only imagine how proud and worried you are... OUr thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Aloha..........Thanks for sharing - congratulations to you, your wife, and your son for how things are shaping up for you all. We will miss you - but will be thinking of you often - as you spend precious time with your son. Take care. Mahalo.
First of all Congrats on raising a great son. Second thank him for his service. And WTG on your weight loss.
Thanks for sharing. Yes age is just a number, and the young people do have their challenges. I can relate to your whole post. My son is 27 and finally completed Jr. College and has educational goals to achieve. I am in awe that he is working at it to make it happen. One thing the father/son relationship has taught me is that personality and mannerisms ARE genetic. I just look at him and when he is taking issue with something, I wonder how am I supposed to argue with myself! LOL! Oh, I know too about your son being crushed about your computer activities. My son once was eyeing my DVD collection and commented about a video (not porn) in an embarassed and questioning manner. Like I was somehow too pure and innocent to watch such a movie. There was a lot of drugs, poverty, and violence in it. I just remarked that it was "Ok" and he agreed it was okay. My own father is gone now. My brother once asked me if I thought our father ever got freaky. I said that with his physique, athleticism, women, and opportunity that I was sure that he probably did. The funny thing is that I never thought about such a thing until after he was gone and with my brothers prompting. Strange, I guess we do put our parents and others on pedestals. Good luck on your weight loss goal. I have about 15 lbs to loose and I will be pretty trim.
1Cody;bt38495 said:
Thanks for sharing. Yes age is just a number, and the young people do have their challenges. I can relate to your whole post. My son is 27 and finally completed Jr. College and has educational goals to achieve. I am in awe that he is working at it to make it happen. One thing the father/son relationship has taught me is that personality and mannerisms ARE genetic. I just look at him and when he is taking issue with something, I wonder how am I supposed to argue with myself! LOL! Oh, I know too about your son being crushed about your computer activities. My son once was eyeing my DVD collection and commented about a video (not porn) in an embarassed and questioning manner. Like I was somehow too pure and innocent to watch such a movie. There was a lot of drugs, poverty, and violence in it. I just remarked that it was "Ok" and he agreed it was okay. My own father is gone now. My brother once asked me if I thought our father ever got freaky. I said that with his physique, athleticism, women, and opportunity that I was sure that he probably did. The funny thing is that I never thought about such a thing until after he was gone and with my brothers prompting. Strange, I guess we do put our parents and others on pedestals. Good luck on your weight loss goal. I have about 15 lbs to loose and I will be pretty trim.
Thank you for sharing your story too. I believe that people all share similar lives. Its the uniqueness in how each of our individual and collective beings manifest it each day that are special. :smile:

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