My teeth hurt.

I got my Invisalign aligners today and they are not what I was told they would be. I was ready for some tightness but goddamn! They also added some attachments to my teeth that make it almost impossible to take the aligners off. It feels like I'm pulling all of my teeth out of my head.

I've been told it gets easier and more comfortable in time but right now, hours into it, I'm thinking what the hell I've gotten myself into. I know it's for the best but I am not looking forward to another 8 months of this.


Yeah, I did the traditional braces thing looooong ago, so I know the feeling. It won't be constant for 8 months, but it's gonna be a bit uncomfortable for a day or two after any adjustment. I mean, they are moving your teeth around in your head after all.

It's well worth it, though. A perty mouth always gets high marks with me. :biggrin1: :wink:

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