Nasty dreams

Sometimes you just dont want to wake up from a beautiful dream. That happened for me yesterday. I had this perfect sexy dream about my no.1 pornstar Julian Rios.

All of a sudden he just stood there infront of me in my dream totally naked and smiled at me. I was like " this really happening...". He took my hand and laid me down in this big cozy bed and kissed me. I kissed him back and touched his body with my hands. He was so gentle and passionate and went down on me.
I couldnt believe it, he was all over me and I spread my legs for him and I touched his magic cock and grabbed it with my hands while he slowly penetrated me.
It was such a great feeling and I mentally just dissapeard into a euforic mode.

And of course I woke up just a few seconds after and realized I was later for work...


sorry for my bad english


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