New Roommate(s) Part 0: Prologue

(A story I've started, will finish if these first parts get good response.)

Damn! That is my third time to read that sentence and I still don't know what it says. I just can't seem to concentrate when every time I look up from this laptop Dave's nipples are staring into my soul.

I've been working remotely for about a year and spend at least an hour every day here in the shop at the end of the block. It has a mismash of coffee, smoothies, lite fare, and a few staples, but neither a coffee shop nor a C-store per se. My apartment building is in the middle of the block, a quick 2 minutes from door to door. I use the break from the four walls of my home office to catch up on email or setup a report from the CRM data while having a coffee. It is safe to say most of the other neighborhood residents work from home too, and the 24-hour gym above the shop helps keep the corner lively morning to night now that mask mandates are over. Seems it is mostly young, grad students or newly minted professionals. Lots of singles and lots of pretense. Almost everyone lives in this area to see and be seen. Always the perfect clothes, trendy haircuts, the right tech, and working of the crowd. I'm not totally out of place here, but I don't feel the need for constant approval either. Evidence of this, my workout habits are sub par. I guess not having a car and walking almost everywhere I need to go, mixed with my genetics keep me looking fit anyway. In the evening at the shop couples of all combinations meet and sometimes share intimate touches as they leave to hook up. I've had my occasional share of those but no one in particular turned my head until a few weeks ago.

There they are again, those nips! Dave is the only guy in five square blocks that doesn't wear the requisite trendy workout gear. Instead he seemingly has an endless supply of old graphic T's that he cuts down the sides to make sleeveless. He is in great shape, good definition in his arms and legs, but not overly bulked up. I see him around but consistently at the same time on Tuesday and Thursday when I'm at the shop. He stops in after having been to the gym and taking a run through the park afterward. I'm not a stalker, REALLY, it is just that the wall of floor to ceiling glass makes it easy to observe the ground floor entrance to the gym. After the run, he usually stops in to buy a smoothie, which he takes outside to enjoy while he cools down. A few times when he arrives in the shop I've been seated close enough to the order counter to see him stretch as he waits, which tends to make his shirt ride up and reveal the trail just above the running shorts or jogger pants he is wearing on any given day.

Today is different. The sky had threatened rain all morning and now the downpour began, keeping everyone inside the shop. Having received the beverage and nowhere to sit due to the temporarily trapped crowd, Dave plops down on the floor between two tables. I'm at my most usual spot at the long bar height work table that has power outlets. Mysteriously the otherise crowded place creates a void directly ahead of me, lighting a clear view directly to where he leans his back against the glass. Having taken a position with crisscrossed legs, he places the drink inside the triangle made by his calves and thighs. No one else is paying him any attention, and not just because he has only been living here only a few weeks. As strikingly handsome as he is, the major factor to Dave being unseen by the crowd is not only does Dave not adhere to the local dress code, he does not have the latest tech. Where everyone else uses wireless ear buds and chat away on the phone looking like they are talking to themselves, Dave was actually holding the phone to his ear, having an intense conversation. I suspect everyone thinks he is a rando just running through this part of town.

When I first arrived in the neighboorhood two years ago after college, I immediately bumped into Harlan Green, an old high school friend. We didn't attend the same university, but did coincidentally chose the same career path and city to start our first post grad jobs. Harlan's place is across the street in a similiar apartment buidling to mine, both managed in common by a local real estate group, and the buildings share the same leasing office and amenities. When remote work started to become the norm Harlan took the opportunity a few months back to return home and help with his father who recently had a stroke. Harlan has kept the appartment but only until the lease expires, and this is how I met Dave Grey. Harlan roomed with Dave at college, one of the random roommate assignments that actually led to a friendship beyond graduation. Harlan and Dave talked often enough since that Harlan knew Dave was taking a three month assignment in the city. Harlan unofficially sublet his apartment for those three months, that last of his lease, and asked me to show Dave the ropes when he arrived since it was not official with the leasing office.

The second day after Dave arrived we had covered all of the necessities, and with just those short encounters I was smitten, but Dave gave no indication of reciprocal interest. Dave's job was some sort on site engineering role, so he then started working long irregular hours on the project, making mid week at the shop my chance to engage him. He is always polite but I'm certain he is an intovert, takes one to know you see, and usually won't talk long. In my case I learned in college to channel my introvert tendacies to not seem as aloof as Dave does. He had not acknowledged me this time, but there was some obvious nervous energy about the topic of the phone conversation he was having. His focus was definitely on the other end of the call. Regardless, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him as he absently alternates between revealing his perfect nipples shining on those toned pecs, and covering them again. With the thumb of his free hand he pulls at the cut side of his workout shirt or grabs both sides of the loose material in his fist. These actions cause the material to accorian into a small bunch down the midline of his torso. He holds this position for a few seconds, then releases the shirt. Each time he repeats the motion one or both of his nipples are innocently revealed like clouds gliding through the sky reveal then obscure the sun.

As I have previously observed, It is plain that Dave is not a hairy man. Dirty blond and well featured, he does not keep any facial hair. His arms and legs have a very light dusting usually only visible at an angle, and his chest seems to be without any other than the darker trail below his navel. It might be assumed he grooms his body hair, but I think that would be out of character for someone who does not dress to impress while doing a workout. So those nipples... being covered, then exposed, the material bunched up again and this time held for a full minute. The orbs are mesmerizing on his solid pecs, large enough to easily see from across the room. The flesh of his nipples isn't pink, but cinnamon-sugar brown from exposure to the sun. I finally realize I'm staring too long and return my gaze to the email, but the fourth and fifth reading are no good either, so I signal retreat by closing the lid to my laptop and collect my things.

As I rise to leave I now feel the heaviness of my cock. A glance down and to my horror there is a already a wet spot on my grey athletic shorts. Before it gets any larger and defines the head of my dick for all to see, I place the laptop in front of me and walk directly to the exit. Half way across the room I suddenly realize it is raining even harder now. At this point Dave has finished his call and notices me. He waves energetically and indicates he wants to chat. Oh, great, the one time that Dave decides to initiate conversation I'm caught with a semi and a wet spot from staring at his amazing body. I walk the few feet over to where he is seated, but he does not stand. Like we are at some junior high track meet he instead reaches out his hand for me to help him up from the floor. To meet his offered grip I have to switch the laptop into my other hand. Oh shit, his face is about crotch high at the moment.

As I give him my right hand his eyes land on the obvsious wet spot, now larger than moments ago as feared, and clearly outlining my cock head. Dave blushes and quickly looks away. I blush from his blush and stammer out a greeting, something about hoping the rain would slack off soon. Dave then leans in toward me, just inches from my ear, and tells me that he is happy we ran into one another. He then quickly shares that Harlan was on the phone and needs me to give him a call tonight. The brevity of his message was in character, but feeling each others breath on our near cheek changed the tone of our interaction from embarassment to an electric buzz. Nothing else was said as Dave took a half step back. We stood there ackwardly for a minute or two as the rain finally tapered off enough that I could get down the block without endangering my laptop. I waved to Dave bashfully through the glass as I hurried to the entrance to my building.

My dick was now fully hard but covered again by the laptop as I crossed the lobby to an open waiting elevator. I didn't break stride entering and pressed the button for the 7th floor as my heart raced in my chest. Once inside my apartment, I kicked off my wet shoes in the entry and made my way to the spare bedroom where I kept a desk and shelves to create my home office. As I plopped down into my chair, the motion trapped my throbbing cock in the waistband of the shorts pinching my engourged glans slightly. Inserting my hand to adjust my juink, I felt the stickness of the precum. Letting my hand linger on the top of my shaft I rubbed the sweet nectar around on my sensative head with my index finger. My hard cock and aching balls were pleading desperately in unison for release. NO! I can't jack off now, if I do I'll be worthless for an hour and it took all my will power to remove my hand. I quickly licked the clear fluid from my finger as a consolation and returned to work.

The afternoon was productive, but my thoughts seesawed between Dave's nipple show and the curriosity about the pending call with Harlan. I kept on task and met with my coworkers to review the upcoming Q2 reports due in just a couple of weeks. We had to preview for the bosses tomorrow and finalize the numbers by the end of the month. I finally logged off the computer about 6:15 and stood up to stretch. As I shut the office door leaving work behind for the day there was no sign of the earlier arousal and I was hungry.

The town where Harlan and I grew up back east in is an hour ahead so I knew it was evening already for him. Dialing the number, I put my ear buds in so I could talk while making my meal. Harlan picked up quickly and we exchanged some greetings. He thanked me for calling and shared some good news that his father was doing much better, but the road to recovery would take the better part of a year. I was making a salad and warming leftovers when Harlan offered the real reason for the call. His office was still allowing him to work fully remote but only until the end of spring. When Q2 ends they wanted him back in the office at least one week a month. There were two problems: First he had turned in notice to the apartment office and the unit was already leased to a new tenant. Second Dave's time in the city was being extended and may become semi-permanent. Dave's schedule had changed too he would only be in town about one week each month as well. Two very interesting predicaments to say the least. After a short silence Harlan resumed talking. He then offered a plan and hoped that it would be one I was agreeable to consider.

The building Harlan (and now Dave) was living in only had one and two bedroom units. Harlan had let the one bedroom go and now only two bedroom units were open in either building, but he and Dave were still considering a new lease to share. However, neither one of them would be living in the apartment full time and probably not at the same time. Apparently this is the conversation they were having today while I was busy oogling Dave's delicious nips. Neither wanted to pay half rent to live somewhere only a quarter of the month. Harlan continued, wondering if I would consider letting them pay to rotate in and out of my second bedroom. Wow, huh, I considered silently, what an interesting solution! My mouth watered and I wasn't really sure if it was the food I was preparing or the thought of seeing "more" of Dave... and possibly Harlan for that matter. While considering the options, Harlan took my silence as non-interest. I quickly corrected him and started to talk through a couple of things when his Mom interupted needing help to move his Dad to another room. The call ended abruptly but with my promise to consider the request and talk again the next evening.

Straddling a stool at my kitchen bar I ate but didn't really taste the food. My mind was racing and even spinning a little with the possibilites. An image of Dave leaning back wtih his arm behind his head exposing a pit and nip entered my mind followed by his biceps, thighs, then wondering what color were his eyes, blue I think. But who was I kidding, I really needed the second bedroom as a dedicated office space to be my most productive. For me, having my desk in the same room as my livingroom or bedroom just didn't separate my work life the way I needed to function. At the end of the day, closing the door to the office made for a nice firm cutoff to work and more impotant than saving some monthly rent. And as much as I was comfortable living alone, I wouldn't mind to share my apartment with the right person, but sharing with two might be a bit much. Yet, they probably would only be here one at a time. I finished the meal, popped open a beer for dessert and settled onto the couch for a think.

Again Dave entered my mind, this time imagining what he would look like without a shirt at all, which was followed by a stirring in my shorts. I realized that evern after all this time I hadn't even yet considered what his cock was like. This time there was nothing that would stop me from jerking my dick to the possibilities my mind could imagine about Dave. Bling, a text arrived. It was Harlan, thanking me for the conversation. Bling, another text, this one from my coworker wondering if I could spare five minutes to answer one quick question. "Sure" I replied, but holy fuck was there ever a short work question at 7pm on a week night before a presentation? And why was the universe stopping me from wanking to Dave! After a fifty minute video call with my coworker my fourth beer was empty, my bladder was full, and I had a little beer buzz. My mind was a mess from it all and I just needed to sleep. After a trip to the toilet and brushing my teeth, I stripped off my clothes and climbed into bed. Closing my eyes I let my mind wonder, maybe Dave also sleeps in the nude, and I with that pleasant thought I fell asleep. END Part 0

Here is a possible Dave sighting Hot Guys in Hats


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