No new lover yet

I just posted an old pic because it amuses me
I would call it "cute".

I am not in any hurry to find anyone. If I do great. It will happen when it is supposed to.

I am very horny of course.
It is stressful ,yes.
I just can't take the hunter back because I feel awful about him.

It is spooky that someone would be obsessed with taking the life of harmless creatures for sport.

I am see a good friend but he is a big deal in DC and constantly travels the globe.

Many of my friends are ultra successful and they travel a lot
I could go lots of places but I have doctors appointments and meetings with attorneys regarding my injury.

It is so fucked up that my sex partner is obsessed with killing .
I don't have anyone else.
My ex before him is in California.
Before him North Carolina
I am still missing opportunities to go out or travel because of my neck pain . I am better but I am still medicated.
I'm afraid to drive.

OMG, I think this is a whiny blog.
I better go sleep this shit off. I got a new car and my credit card raised my limit significantly as well as getting a new credit card since I stopped seeing the hunter.
My health has greatly improved.
I won't do anything to mess up this good fortune.
I got new clothes.
It's all good just missing one little (big) thing.


They must not have known, what a liar and fake you are.
They obviously couldn't have read the inanities you post.Funny how none of "all those guys" have posted here!
I feel vindicated calling "bullshit!" on her previous blog after reading this crap...vicodin is a bitch, isn't it?
Oh, that's funny.
I am not on Vicodin-yeah!. It gave me zits and it didn't even help my neck.
I am on a new drug Soma.
It makes me feel loopy. I am on the lowest dose. I should only have to be on it for a month until the RF takes effect.
I am not ready to be with anyone else . I love the bow hunter as rotten as he is.
I just like to post pix.
I will have to read my other post and see what it said that makes it supposedly BS.

I went off all the meds and my neck got so bad I couldn't turn it at all so I don't know if that is what that comment is from.
They weren't specific.

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