NSA or long distance?

I've been friends with a girl for about four years now. We've never met in person but have played Xbox together endlessly and call each other a lot. I live near Boston and she lives all the way out in Las Vegas. I've recently decided to take a trip out there with my best friend and she and I have decided to finally meet. I really like her and she has stated that she wants to have a one or two night stand with me when I'm out there. Granted, this has made my decision making ability a bit cloudy. I'm worried that we might hit it off in person as much as we have online and on the phone. That we end up sleeping with each other and developing deep feelings for one another.

We've joked around about sleeping with each other forever so it's kind of a given that once I'm there we'll be doing that.

It worries me because I don't think I'd be able to make a long distance relationship work. Not so much cause I'm not confident enough but because those types of relationships tend to not work out.

Should I try to keep emotion out of it and just keep things as NSA as possible? Or just give in to it fully and see what happens?
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NSA. sounds like infatuation. when you meet in person either one of you may not open up as much as you have online and the phone.

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