Office Mate Freeballing - Part 2

As N and J moved toward the pool I again put on disinterest to not draw attention to my oogling of their bodies. About this time our host brought each of us a fresh beer which helped give purpose to my immediate interactions. He also reminded us that his kids would be home about 6pm to host some friends in the pool. This meant our last few mintues together were approaching.

The water volleyball net was now strung across the pool and this gave another purpose for my observing the others. Without any forced effort on my part the teams were decided. Our host D and N would pair against J and myself. Perfect! I could easily maneuver to have J and his ass in my view at most times. It would actually be much easier to concentrate and be present in the game without seeing J's dick flopping around as he jumpes to hit the ball.

The first few volleys were pretty tame but then N's competitiveness kicked in and he started slamming the ball just over the net. Each time this happened J would rise up from the water to meet the ball. As he continued to stretch his body that lime green suit settled more around his hips revealing the very top of his glutes and a slight peek of ass cleavage.

Developing a rhythm of its own, the game was enjoyable, and not just for the view I had of J. Being caught up in the physicality, my mind had become occupied and my desire had subsided. For this and many reasons what I heard next took me off guard. During the next lull in the game N says without hesitation. "J. Dude. You need some new trunks! I can see your junk every time you jump for the ball. Just how long IS your dick anyway?"

Our host D and I busted out laughing. D's laugh was the "oh no, you didn't just say that outloud" laugh. I think my laugh was more of a nervous and uncomfortable laugh that most likely fit the situation. Then D admits he had the same thought. This gave me reason to crack a joke about not having the same view they had and asking J to turn around so I could see. He didn't. Whew, this made everyone laugh and J was able to say "Longer than yours!" which I'm certain it is (a story for another time)!

Luckily this was all taken as guys smack talk and the
game went on for about 10 minutes more when N decided to go change and head home. Our host was going to stay by the pool since his kids would be there soon. This left J and I to finish our now warmish beers and dry in sun.

Not wanting to tip my hand, but not wanting to end the conversation about his cock either, I casually asked him if I could be a bit personal for a minute. Based on some prior conversations, his family member dying, and other emotional situations, there was some trust between us and he responded yes. So I didn't hesitate or stumble with my words and asked him "Does the size of your penis cause you any issues? Like the comment N made?"

J was quiet for a minute and there was a slight blush in his cheeks. Answering he said "You did get personal. And, yes, it can be uncomfortable when people talk about my "penis" as though it defines something about me." He continued "There are times I can hide "it" better than others and over the years I've gotten used to the stares." "Today for example I'm comfortable around the three of you so I didn't mind what everyone said. But I wouldn't have put on my trunks if anyone else had stayed." I decided not to push too far and challehge him about the lack of liner though.

It was almost 6pm now and time to leave. Both of us were mostly dry and I wrapped my towel around my neck, picked up my other things and headed for my car. J wrapped his towel around his arm and picked up his duffle. We said goodbye and I watched him get into his truck, getting one more glimpse of him in those lime green swim trunks as he closed the door.

All the way home I thought about J and the definition of his chest, the peek at the top of his bare ass and that bulge. My cock throbbed and pulsed as I drove the 20 minutes home. Now dripping with precum, as soon as I pulled the car into the garage and lowered the door, I pulled down my board shorts and started stroking my aching cock with my left hand and rolling my balls around in my right hand. In no time I shot my load, nine ropes of pure excitement followed by three smaller pulses which drained my balls completely.

In my car, in that garage, I fell asleep. Probably the sun, the beer, and the exhilaration all compounded to overwhelm me. I laid my head back and closed my eyes. I woke up about 45 minutes later, still covered in my own juice and sweating from the summer heat. I took the towel from around my neck to clean up. I pulled up my board shorts, and as I stood to get out of the car I noticed a streak of cum on the drivers window. Wow I thought, where else may I have left a stain in my car! Checking the dash, a few drops were by the left vent and more on the bottom of the steering wheel. Wow, my mess hadn't been just up my chest! I'll have to plan a cleanup for later.

Moving into the house I put my towel in the hamper and dropped my board shorts onto the floor. My bush was matted and so was my left forearm. Jumping into the shower I soaped from head to toe. Scrubbing my arm my mind started to wonder back to releasing that load and my dick jumped. Rinsing my hair and letting the water flow down my body I became hard again quickly.

The need this time was not as urgent so I moved the shower seat under the flowing water and sat down. Keeping my pelvis away from the water allowed for my again flowing precum to be the only lube I needed for this second jackoff of the evening. Slowly I worked my shaft overhanded letting my pinky spend time under my glans where it meets my foreskin.

The water temp was cooler now so I shut off the water and continued the measured stroking. Spreading my legs a bit wider I added a little pressure with the index finger of my other hand to my ass hole. This small amount of finger movement really heightened my excitement and put the final stiffness into my cock head. Before long three great ropes of cum again blew out of me. I was completely spent now.

Turning the water back on I cleaned up the final drops of cum and remaining soap. Exiting the shower I dried off, got a glass of water from the kitchen and plopped naked into the bedroom chair knowing that I had until Monday to put this behind me.



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