Office Mate Freeballing - Part 3

By Monday morning I had spent 48 hours wondering if I could keep from having visions of those abs and that cock with every conversation I had with J. Even before the pool I would feel my dick stiffen during our one to one interactions. I had to try. It was better that way

As it happened both of us had meetings with others in the office so I didn't need to do more than say Hi in the breakroom getting morning coffee. Tuesday though was a curve ball! Our boss called an impromptu meeting to settle which of the sales staff would attend an upcoming conference is Florida. To my surprise J and myself were assigned to the event. If I thought for a second that being in the same office would be an issue, spending 4 days together would be a major problem!

The conference was in a couple of weeks and our travel is always booked for us by the department Admin. Of course we were on the same flights and would stay in the same hotel. From morning to night, pretty much all our time would be in each others company. However, even with the anticipation of it all, it actually was easier than I thought to keep my mind on business in the meantime.

The day arrived and we met up at our departure gate about 4pm Sunday afternoon. We were both dressed in our company logo gear and once again J was wearing some skinny leg trousers. This was a nonstop flight and thankfully we were in the good exit row where there are just two seats next to the over-wing exit door. Lots of leg room.

We talked some in the boarding lounge but he spent most of the time texting on his phone. After boarding and getting settled J started to open up and talk. The taxi and first hour of the flight we covered most of the office gossip and politics. The drink cart stopped and we both ordered a beer and agreed to have a late dinner when we landed.

The beer changed our topic to more personal talk and J brought up the pool conversation. "Hey Dude..." J paused. "Thanks for taking an interest in how I was feeling the other day at D's house. I appreciate our friendship" Wow and Holy Crap, just HOW did he mean that? Finaly he continued, "I was texting with my girlfriend earlier, we could be serious, but... we aren't breaking things off, just clarifying our relationship." I could tell he wasn't finished, and just waited for him to be ready to share more. Almost five minutes went by before he continued. "In a way I want to settle down, but right now I need to work out a few things first." "So, where do you want to eat when we land?"

Obviously that conversation was over! We discussed dinner plans and the whole conversation ended with about an hour left in the three hour flight. After a few minutes J began to figgit in his seat. Stretching out his legs, crossing his arms and laying his head back I could tell he was going to nap those last few minutes. I watched him from the corner of my eye and when his breathing changed I started stealing glances at his zipper.

Just before the captain announced we would land soon, the outline of his growing cock began to be visible in his trousers. This time, for once, I could also make out the outline of his cock head. It was so clearly outlined that I new he had to be freeballing! But with the landing announcement J started to wake and my viewing time ended.

After landing, dinner, and arriving at the hotel we were in for a surprise! At almost 10pm the hotel was buzzing with people and luggage. The place was packed! Our checkin at the front desk revealed the answer. Another hotel was without water and the attendees were all here trying to get rooms. Since I had the highest frequent stayer status with this chain I was offered their largest two bedroom suite at the original rate IF we wouldn't mind releasing our second room. I looked at J and he nodded agreement, and soon we were on our way to sharing even more.

The suite was large. It had two bedrooms on one each on opposite sides of a living room, kitchen, and dinning area. Basically a 1200 sq foot apartment for $285 per night! J and I explored the suite and looked in each bedroom. Both had a king bed with ensuite bath. One bath had a shower, the other had a huge whirlpool tub. This fact caused us to pause for a minute, we may have to share access to the shower at some point during the week. J immediately said he wouldn't mind the tub room because it had the best view of the ocean. I agreeded and told him he was welcome to borrow the shower as needed. So we set off into our rooms and settled in for the night.

I took a quick shower and readied my things for the morning to allow J shower time. Now naked in bed my thoughts returned to seeing J's cock outline earlier on the plane. I stitched together that image with the memories from the pool day which led to drops of precum and then slowly stroking my dick. My balls soon started to retract and I pushed my hips toward the ceiling letting out several ropes of cum onto my stomach. Oh yes! I said in a whisper. And oh how I was hoping to have more views of J to add to my mental snap shots.

Concludes next installment.


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