Onlyfans Newbie

I've always loved the idea of showing off for people. but was never confident enough to start cam fun, so for a time I started making private videos for people and selling them which I then processed on to me making an onlyfans/twitter this month

At my peak I had over 100 subs but that was only when my onlyfans was free, once I started charging the numbers dropped but i'm not ready to call "Quits" ill keep going, so decided to start the blog and ill update as things carry on

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I’ve been going two weeks today. I have two pages, a free one with PPV and a subscription page at $4.99 a month with all content open.
I’m pretty pleased with the numbers so far, although it’s a slow burn. I have just over 300 on the free page (with some purchasing taking place) and just over 30 on the subscription page.
Promotion is the tough part, getting people to know about my page. This is where I fall down a bit. What do you do for promotion?
for promotion, I mainly use twitter and sites like reddit not sure what else to use. what would you advise
I do have some loyal subs that have remained because they love my contents however I feel like id be betraying them if I made my onlyfans free again as most would probably sub and leave once its not free
I get a LOT of fake joiners on my free site. People that join and then leave the same day, I think they do it to get a follow back… makes me disappointed.
i haven't had that experience thank god. my Twitter is starting to grow so hope my onlyfans does as well
What’s your Twitter? Maybe we can follow each other an d do some re-tweets occasionally to support each other

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