PENIS LOVE - part 7

A LPSG member inspired this particular entry which will be subtitled: My youthful penis adoration

Penis love needs to be shared. I didn't have the opportunity to share my love until I was almost 19 years old. That is youthful in comparison to my current age of 71. My penis love rapidly accelerated and evolved during the next 30 years:heart_eyes:. I am eternally grateful for all my partners that adored my cock, and helped me to love it better.

:sun: - my inspiration for this entry

@9.25cutcock is a great example of my aspirations.

I had learned from my lovers that my cock was larger than other guys' cocks. They liked my ability to give them orgasms. I felt proud about my size, and egotistically became an exhibitionist. I wasn't outwardly exposing my naked cock to the world. I proudly displayed my long dangle and bulge in my crotch by not wearing underwear. It was a great visual for my girlfriend to display to her girlfriends as they gossiped. (Social media and the internet did not exist during the 1970's)

The pornography industry was just beginning to gain freedoms during my young love days, but I assumed my girlfriends were enthralled with the large cocks we viewed at the XXX movie theatres. Even though women proclaimed that "cock size" was not important for their sexual gratification, it seemed like they would prefer to be satisfied with a larger member:party:.


I had very few opportunities to compare my erect cock size to other guys' firm erections until 1990. From statistical studies I learned that 95% of the guys had smaller cocks, but I wasn't totally confident with those "numbers" since I could achieve different measurements of my own cock. A girlfriend introduced me to "erection retention" by wrapping a rubber band around the base of my cock, and I observed my erections becoming more enormous. My addictive nature was off to the races. My cock could be larger than I ever imagined:cool:.


These photos belong to @9.25cutcock, but are a prime example of the show my girlfriend helped me display to our neighbor on a regular basis in 1974. We lived in an efficiency apartment that shared a common bathroom with our neighbor. Some how "neighbor girl" developed the habit of dropping in to visit whenever she pleased. Suzi and I spent many hours of our day exploring our sexuality (i.e. fucking as much as we could), so neighbor often saw me naked whenever she dropped by. My exhibitionism was becoming less inhibited, so I encouraged Suzi to keep my cock erect whenever our neighbor dropped by to gossip. Neighbor would be seated on the foot of the bed, and Suzi would slide the bed cover down to expose her grasp of my cock. :rolleyes:We began placing tighter constrictions on the base of my cock with every "show", and I swear my cock could have approached 11+" . Those were the days I imagined my cock was over 10'' long without realizing I was measuring incorrectly. We probably gave her a dozen shows ranging in time from half an hour to an hour and half in duration, and she only mentioned my cock's enormity once. She liked to gab a lot, so maybe she didn't observe our show as much as I imagined she would. I suspect that she must have gossiped to a neighbor couple that lived above, because one day they arrived with her on an unannounced visit:blush:. Suzi didn't pull the covers down that afternoon, because I was inhibited.

I believe those days were the beginning phases of my larger cock size love obsessions. I wanted you to like me, and if my large cock caught your attention, maybe you would want to explore my features further. Over the next few years I constricted my cock more frequently while masturbating to see how large my cock could become, and began to realize that I might be causing damage as bruising occurred. It would be another ten years before I learned about cock rings and vacuum pumps for penis enlargement. Small guys could make their cocks larger:cool:. Large guys used pumps to maintain their enormity, also:cool:. My large cock obsessions weren't abnormal:cool:.



Size maintenance @9.25cutcock:cool:

Over the years, I've probably purchased over a dozen penis pumps. I can't imagine they ever added any permanent inches to my size, but they surely created more happiness for me:blush:. I've never been circumcised, so my pumping created some enormous monstrous illusions as my foreskin complicated the "donut" swell.

I like observing the donut on circumcised cocks, because it is apparent they love their large penis:innocent:. My donut makes it appear that I'm abusing my penis:(. I only exposed my swollen monster on one occasion in 1987 at a health club in the locker room, showers and steam room. The "shocked" reactions led me to develop more "control" while pumping. I still have three vacuum pumps that I've utilized infrequently during the past ten years. I don't use them for any enlargement goals. I like the suction sensations that I can simulate through my usage modifications.

I think I have a few photos of my contolled pumping efforts in my gallery.




I guess after reviewing these photos, I recall thinking, "My penis enlargement efforts could have increased my girth measurement". In my youth, my erections felt "flatter" than being a robust tube. I'll never know for sure, because I never measured the circumference. I always attempted to measure the diameter without realizing that my diameter approximation would be more accurate by measuring the circumference:confused:. Imagine that, and I used to be a mathematical whiz kid. This photo reveals some of my swollen foreskin roll.

Notice the tip of my cock. I had a decent pumping session about six hours prior to taking this selfie:yum
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Love your blogs! Never used a penis pump but I do use a glans ring to keep my fat mushroom head engorged. Love your blogs!!!
Thanks @FredSlone - I'm tempted to post some photos of your fatty, so readers would understand the difficulty you would encounter inserting your wide-bodied girth into a vacuum tube.

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Sherwood D. Likelym
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4 min read
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