Penis Massage

It’s as if our penises were designed for grasping, tugging, jerking, pulling, stroking, kneading, shaking, fondling, rubbing, palpating, gripping, plying, sliding, flipping – you name it. Yet we know that a penis’s main purpose is penetrating fitting human orifices, a vagina being the top choice (and the true biologically counterpart) among the few possibilities.

A penis is supposed to better be stiff and rigid for the penetration-job. This is not required for the hand-ling of cock, realizing that the initially mentioned treatments are in fact how we basically encounter a penis. And we do so with our own hands (for ourselves), as well as letting someone else do the hand-job. So, while this is always a great, easy and immediate way of handling one’s own cock:

cock massagg.gif

some of us may prefer (their penis) being handled like so:

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Yet this standard treatment is but one of all of the refined ways a penis can be caressed. And at this point we need to apprehend, that massaging a penis (primarily for the massaging sake) is a very different thing compared to working a cock to make it spill semen, although both aspects can be referred to as (penile) „masturbation“.

Since this text is about cock-massage it may not surprise you when I allege that being massaged is way better than doing it on your own. Or should I say: attempt to do it by yourself. Simply because you only have one angle on how your arms and hands have access to your penis, or as some guy put it:

"Much as I want to be able to do all of these to myself, I can't. They require my thumb to be in a position that I can't master."

He is referring to what he has seen in a seminar on Male Manual Stimulation. You will agree when you take a look at this chart of randomly chosen examples for hand-jobbing moves other that the full-grip-stroking:

penmass table.jpg

You can imagine that massaging a cock deprived from the notion of triggering ejaculation differs significantly from how we usually approach a penile handjob. There is a multitude of differences between the two qualities of handling a penis:
  • attitude: slow & long shaft-treatment vs. jerkingly aiming for a timely triggering of ejaculation
  • agenda: applying a variety caressing figures (see chart above) vs. a couple monotone gripping movements
  • erection: treating a flaccid to semi-erect/erect penis vs. a throbbingly erect cock
  • purpose: erotic well-being with optional aiming for sexual climaxing vs. pursuing the release of sexual energy and the male produce.
Don’t get me wrong, penis massage is still male masturbation. And a highly sensual and erotic action may naturally evolve into a more passionate sexual encounter placed between male milking and penetrative immersion. Nonetheless, it’s different from the beginning and over a long course of the masturbatory act.

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I believe that a semi-erect penis is quite ideal for a penis massage. Given the fact that the receiver is totally relaxed (being consensual), he shall most likely display his cock not fully erect. However, this (state) may change/vary over the course of the massage, quite naturally.

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It really is about enjoying penis and scrotum as well, for both the massager and the receiver:

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You may find additional inspiration and imagery at this source.

The drawings of the chart shown above I did find in a book (How to be a Great Lover), chapter six on Mastering Manual Stimulation.
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I find penis massages better than full body. It's very relaxing and therapeutic and I usually feel much more relaxed in energetic after.

Keeping a semi-erect penis is tough to control once you get hard, but the build up to full erection is a very pleasurable part of the experience.

Very apropos you just posted this. I had massage at the beginning of the week myself.

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