Quiting my job during a recession, what am I doing?

So I finally did it, I quit my job! (well gave 2 weeks notice) It's a restaurant/bar and they cut my hours last month to 2 shifts a week, Friday and Saturday nights. The place is dead except on weekends, where it's all up to me to make the food, by myself. I picked up some shifts at another restaurant, but still worked at the other place on weekends. Anyways it was a shitty place to work, it's going under and the whole mood of the place was getting real bad. Thank god I still have the other job, not like I'm living the dream, I don't like working in kitchens but it does help pay the bills for now, so I might have to work their until I find something better.


The bar/restaurant industry usually does surprisingly well during recessions. People want to stuff/drown their sorrows.
Economic downturn or not...props to you for taking responsibility for your own mental and physical well-being. It sounds like you did your homework, set up a plan B and did not react out of impulse(walking out), so you have nothing to fret about.

I have experienced firsthand the frustration of folks 'left behind' after a downsizing...where we wish WE were the ones let go. Trust me. Yes, these are uncertain times but one cannot make decisions based on fear...Cheers to you!
Good for you. If they only want you to work the busiet nights where you have to kill yourself working hard they don't deserve you.

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