Raw Vegan

So, since last Sudnay I've been practicing a Raw Vegan (LFHCRV) lifestyle. I've been quickly shedding weight (doing this until I reach a point I want to maintain). Anyway, August 6th was my birthday and I'm running low on fruits... so I let myself slip and ate 14 cookies and a chocolate bar. I haven't felt so sick from eating in a long time. x_x Lesson learned!


mmmm cookies, dastardly bastard me
wish you luck my friend, continue to persevere .. ..

Aroha GjC
14 cookies?!? Damn! Haha.

I don't really eat sweets anymore either, but I totally get your sick feeling. Since I got more serious with working out, my body started to crave some of the healthier foods and started rejecting stuff that wasn't too good for me. So when I try to eat sweets or junk sometimes, I feel ready to throw up.

Good luck with everything, man.
I am going to check this out ... I love fruits and vegetables .. so that's a good thing, right?

and LOL on the cookies AND chocolate bar..... wouldn't you rather have had a roll or bread?? hahah

but good for you siddy... I need to shed afew pounds myself
ugh! that is so hard to do. I want to do it but I cant seem to give up carbs..:(
Well, you'll be getting TONS of carbs from fruits. :p But I know what you mean... pasta is my FAVORITE THING EVER and just... I miss it. ;.;
It's not even things like pasta because I don't eat much at all. What is so hard is finding something to make for lunch or dinner without including bread, rice, pasta, or starch. There is only so much you can do with veggies before you just feel STARVING. What the heck do you have for dinner?
Well what I eat at any given time is usually pretty random. x3 My dinners will be changing mid-month since my Dehydrator is on the way. o3o I'll be able to make 'chips', 'crackers', and 'breads' among other things. The recipes out there are quite interesting too! Though most are very fatty, using lots of nuts and seeds - I'll have to figure ways around that. Oh and they are still considered raw since dehydrating at 105*F and below keeps "all" of the nutrient and enzymes in tact. o3o

Tonight I had a huge spinach salad for dinner with tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, celery, cauliflower, ginger. I left out my usual almonds, avocados and walnuts because I had WAY too much fat today through coconut. D: With my dehydrator, processor and blender on the way, the variety will open up quite a bit. Next purchase will be a 'spiralizer' so I can make zucchini 'pastas'. o3o

Oh also, I don't tend to get a starving feeling. Eating so much fruit keeps me well hydrated so I actually end up FORCING myself to drink water - I'm rarely thirsty. Often hunger pangs are actually just a craving for hydration. Also, when you're satisfying the majority of your nutritional needs, the cravings don't come as often. I make sure to satisfy my needs for texture through various types of veggies too. o3o I need crunch? Carrots or celery... maybe a few nuts. o3o

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