Recurrent dreams

Christ no wonder that dream felt familiar.

I should go there.. haven't been there in yrs would be nice to see again
yeah I need that... didn't I need that before?...
hey wonder how he's doing... haven't seen him in yrs
whoa wow yeah that was profound! did I ever forget THAT!
All some of the thoughts I can remember about my dream. Can't really remember it now, other than just a general impression of it :mad:

Ever have dreams I mean they aren't recurrent per se, in that you don't have the same dream every fortnight or such, but just a dream that you get when now and then and then you wake up and go HOLY SHIT no wonder that was familiar I dreamed that before!:eek:

Say every 6months-1yr? :confused:

Thankfully the dream isn't really scary.. well not counting flying at 80 on twisty country roads... it's more like reminiscing (sp?) about the past and what some ppl and places are like now:cool::cool:

...ya know I just read my last blog entry, it was about dreams too :rofl: but this dream wasn't the last dream, of that I'm sure of :up:...


Hmm. good point. perhaps that is why when i have a dream that seems familiar, i should think if i have dreamt it before.
but yes. i have had dreams that seem familiar and as it turns out have had varying versions of them in my sleep over the years.
Interesting !
I've had this happen to me to...
Perhaps it's more about exploring the feelings that
you come away with...from the dream...hope that helps.Grin!

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