Sadist designers of laptop computers!

I'm back :biggrin1:
I know you're thrilled by my presence again. :tongue: Or maybe not, if so then :fu:

What kind of sadist designed this Dell? I mean you have to take off the back. That's reasonable. For this model you have to take off the battery, take off the RAM cover, take the RAM out, take out the optical drive, flip it over - unplug and take the keyboard off, unplug the little power button cord and the touch pad cord, then take the rest of the palmrest and then flip it back over and unscrew the HDD and THEN you can put in a new hard drive! And then the reverse to put it back together.

Well I found a deal on a SSD drive, Solid State Drive - no moving parts, for $90. Decided to take the plunge and get it. I also had to wait on the OS disks from the manufacturer since I couldn't find my old disks. I saw a deal for 4GB RAM for $10! I took it all apart, put in the new SSD, the new RAM, assembled it back together and nervously turned it on. The DVD Drive wouldn't open when it was turned off. Got the black screen of NO OS found or some such. Put in the DVD a then pressed the start button again. Please work, please work, please work, in the name of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, so I don't have to take it into a store to be done.

TADAAA!! :biggrin: It did work! His noodley appendage touched me! :eek:

So it boots up and does all the fancy installation stuff. And choose a username. Type, type, type. FUCK it no worky! I didn't firmly connect the little keyboard cable. I took the keyboard off and connected it and NOW it worked. Yippee!! :smile:

Then it was time for the Drivers DVD, then doing the wifi stuff so I could get online and then update all the drivers I just installed. Then time for Windoze7 updates. Lordie people complained about the IBM OS/2 and updates. Once again Microsoft copies from someone else and issues seemingly weekly updates. I have 6GB RAM and apparently that's sufficient that Windows7 won't let me use a flash drive/sd card to use ReadyBoost and expand RAM the super cheap way. I guess it helps that the SSD drive has 64MB cache and is an SSD drive. So I installed a few programs and then connected to an external drive and DID a proper back up. :smile: Not the quick and dirty back up I did before I started this whole process. (On the external just created new folder and then copied everything from the C drive to there.)

So I have ALL of my info it's just a process to get it so that I can arrange it from the external back to my computer again. I have a simple way of info storage, create a folder and dump stuff in it. So a few folders are the most useful the rest is just "garbage DNA".

I've been around on here since the weekend, but not really. Latest issue, roommates and wifi connection - need I say more? But now I seem to be back all proper like.

I missed some of you crazy naked people! :hug:
Did you miss me? :rolleyes:

PS Get some of that canned air and blow out your fan! Fuck that was a LOT of dust in there! :redface:


Great post. I fix the laptops of family and friends. Some of the laptops are just devilish to disassemble. The tiny little cables are easy to break or to not connect tightly. Thank goodness that there are good instructions on the internet to help out. It's funny you mention OS/2. We are probably around the same age.

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