For the past six weeks, I have been living with severe eye pain (right eye) and severe headaches. Finally, a nurse friend of mine recommended I see a concussion therapist because many of my symptoms sounded concussion-like. Once I saw her the ball got rolling! After a lot of tests looking for tumors and cancers, I went to a physical therapist with whom I worked before. She felt my shoulders and back and said they were so tight they were like a solid mass. She began deep tissue massage, I started occupational therapy, and my eye doctor found an infection way up inside my eye. He gave me an antibiotic and a steroidal eye drop. I am now about 3 weeks into treatment and the headaches have dropped down to a 1 or a 2 instead of a 7 or an 8 and my eye really doesn't hurt much anymore. We (collectively) have come to the conclusion that all of this was caused by massive amounts of stress that began around November and just kept happening reaching its peak in mid-February. Stress is a very nasty thing and can really cause havoc in your body. Once it gets rooted in your system, it can really take a while for it to clean out of your system. Take care of yourselves!!!!