So Its been a whole week since crossing the chat world

Well it's been a whole week, can't believe it, since taking the plunge into the world of chat October 3, 2011, a day to remember.
On this day I was asked about my sexual interests, I was as honest as I had ever been with anyone for some reason. blogged about that previousely. It was my first encounter with chatroom sex.

I had discovered that my age made me a daddy to some. I guess I fulfilled some peoples fantasy. I'm not one into spanking but the kid deserved it! Kept nagging for it so finally gave it to him. I hope it was worth it, felt like a knock from child protective services was in order after that.

Got rejected in private chat but from the comments I received from me blogging about this I forgive those that left me hanging as probably they had mistakenly hit the private chat bottom instead of profile. Than why did they say "hi, or hey" and than run? hmmmm:rolleyes:.

Im also intrigued at the variety of styles of masturbation that I was privileged to observe by those kind enough to hit the accept botton for me to watch them do their thing. Im not sure but I think when you put your cam in front of your cock your head (actual face head) looks smaller which makes your cock look monstrous. It does add to the lust and desire for that thing thats being man handled by some. What I don't get is how someone can be stroking without any lube for as long as they quote they been at it.

Another aspect of chatting is the non-cam member who can see me and want me to talk dirty to them, or be daddy and slap them around, all the while they may be playing a game on their wii, or cooking dinner, I can't tell.:confused:
I've become quite a phonetic speller too, had to let go of my urge to correct the hundreds of typos. Trying not to loose my hardon because I can't spell I decided thats the least of my probablem at the moment this was causeing me my fricken hardon.

But alas when the time came to cum it made the time on chat all worth it. "yeah" usually the last reponse I get. No thank you, slam bam thank you mam. Used and abused for ones entertainment. At least tell me how I was. :biggrin1:

However I have yet to go all the way with one particular member whom I have chatted and cam several times. Time always gets in the way and so I am looking foreward to the time when we both can get our "rocks off". One day.

Last thing the comments on the blog has been very positive I enjoy reading them. So do post any comments.
Thanks for reading! :smile: until next time.
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