Spring Broken

Happy spring break to all who celebrate.

For an undergrad, spring break is a holiday like any other. Just like Christmas, or Saint Patrick's Day holidays can look incredibly different. All ways of celebrating are valid unless you're celebrating like me. I feel insanely sorry for you if you are celebrating like me.

I have officially ended my break, and all I can think of are the many wrong decisions that led me here. I am convinced the only way you can be a young gay, horny college student with a fun break is by ignoring your parents the whole time. I definitely could've been more proactive with my plans and ended up on a freezing cold beach with my straight friends instead of coming back home with nothing to do. I thought I would appreciate the rest, but I actually feel more exhausted than ever. I guess it's good that I could drop off my winter clothes, but that's been the highlight of my break so far.

I know I also promised fun stories, but the only story I have is from the lamest orgy ever.

As soon as I laid down on my bed at home, I checked out the sniffies scene. I almost couldn't handle the amount of bubbles, and profiles. An orgy with 13 expected guests caught my attention and I signed up as quickly as possible. Even if I couldn't get some one-on-one attention this week (repeating the same vibe as Thanksgiving break) I knew I could get some attention at the hotel downtown. Having been to four orgies, I found myself feeling slightly apathetic. The host asked me so many questions, when usually the hosts glance over my profile, see I'm clean and accept my request. I then noticed a cruiser I previously blocked had already accepted an invitation.

I realized I had a small number of people blocked on Sniffies, so it was very likely this was an old fuck buddy I blocked for using racial slurs during our climax. He was very sexy until this random race-play became a part of our hookups. I had to ghost him, but a possible run-in at an orgy was not exactly a turn-on. The fact that we first met an orgy that he organized only raised my suspicions. I imagine I will dedicate an entry explaining our hookups, but that's a sexy story for another session. Just know, he reminded me of an older, redneck version of Will Braun, with a much smaller dick, and an inability to last longer than 7 minutes. Some call that heaven, I call that sinfully brief.

Thirteen RSVPs for a midweek sex party? Red flag number three, glaring and undeniable. If my time navigating the Sniffies orgy circuit has taught me anything, it's that those lists are pure fiction. Actual attendance is always a fraction of what's promised. So, when the fifth guy knocked, and the host announced the 'grand finale' of arrivals, I really shouldn't have been surprised. Five. Five utterly stagnant, older dudes from my hometown. That was it. I was the youngest guy there, and most of them were more checked into the basketball game than they were the poppers and the lube. Maybe there had been a crowd before I got there. I've learned the 'hard' way to avoid 'arriving' too early at these things. But 'too early' turned into 'way too late' thanks to my parents. They just had to unleash a forty-minute lecture, timed perfectly to obliterate any lingering libido."

As a student, I am cripplingly aware that my sexy young-adult days are limited. So, to anyone who ruins my good time just know you have committed one of the greatest possible sins to me. It is so easy to just let me do whatever I want and have a good time, yet you choose to go out of your way and destroy my good time. You're such a freak. Seek help!

Sitting here organizing my tasks for the upcoming week after spring break, I find myself surprisingly satisfied. I may just be desperate to end on a good note. It wasn't the most thrilling week off, but I'm learning that comparison truly is the thief of joy. I rested, saw friends, and enjoyed some private time without the usual roommate distractions. In fact, I was a bit too relaxed! This entry was supposed to be posted hours ago. Clearly, this blog experiment will challenge both my writing and my punctuality. Join me next Monday, when, well, let's just say I'll aim for timeliness, even if the week isn't quite as 'eventful.' My weekly sex diary seems to be off to a... unique start.

This has been... Everyone's Obsession.
About author
Julian Shaw
This is simply a little project to save my friends from my endless intimate stories, but preserve an outlet for my sexual expression. It is my assumption that no one will ever find, or care about this.


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Julian Shaw
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