Starting the Honey reduction

Well, I am going to do something that I've been putting off for a long time. I've been inspired to make things better in my life starting with my health. Today begins the process of reducing my weight down to a healthier size. My initial goal is 50 pounds. If I loose 2 pounds a week that is 6 months. So... by July 4th I should be able to see the fireworks in a size 16w. Wouldn't that be cool.


go 'head girl!! good for u!!! good luck take it slowly and losing weight is not magic it takes hard work..i lost40 pounds was amzing i had so many men sweating me....and still do!
Or perhaps he's just a chubby chaser that likes fat assed pigs like yourself that can't stay away from McDonalds. Interesting how you blocked me, shows your cowardice.
Oh little RussianSexDoll you are not important enough to me to be blocked, I just have my account set to only allow friends and family to contact me.

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