Straight dudes experimenting

Hadn't posted here in a while, so I thought I'd do a blog post.

I see a lot of stuff about straight guys. I mean, gay guys are in the minority, so if you're checking out a guy in the regular world, chances are he's straight.

I went to college, joined a fraternity and played a team sport before the rise of social media, so I simply can't do the pics or it didn't happen thing. But, I've several experiences with straight guys. I'm not here to debate their straightness and I'm not qualified to pass judgement on the dude. If he says he's straight, it's not my place to argue it with him.

Anyway, the number of straight dudes I actually engaged in full on sex with is small...a handful at best. There was a very clear role layout. I asked what he was comfortable with and such. I had an awful gay experience my second time out at the hands of a former friend, so I was extremely concerned with how he felt and was doing. My thinking was that he needed to be as close to ok with himself leaving as he was going into it. Messing around with another dude is supposed to be fun for both parties. All mine came from the microcosm I lived in though...teammates or fraternity guys. I've had some luck in the real world, but more often than not it was me servicing the dude. I was/am totally fine with that. Far better than one can hope for by approaching a random dude.

But, there was the other side of this that I encountered. None of the dudes were overly hostile for religious views. I'm a very good wordsmith, so I was careful not to come off as vulgar or disrespectful either. Most of the guys would laugh it off commenting that I'm bold or something like that and refuse. Ok, move on. There were that small number though that got hostile and I could never understand why. Had they had a bad experience with a guy in the past? It was hard to gather whether it was me or the concept that they were bothered by.

Over the years, I've found one approach to be pretty easy to handle. It doesn't hurt that I'm just not what a lot of guys expect when they find out I'm gay. I offer to make an evening of it. Play video games, drink beer, hit Hooters (love those damn wings), go to a sporting event or whatever. Along the way, I'll throw the idea out for him to think about. Later is he's not into it, I drop him off and leave. No harm done. You can't force a dude into doing that or it is horrible on them. I know that all too well. If he is into it, just try random stuff to see what he likes or doesn't like.

Anyway, it's a long post to say IMHO, a lot more straight dudes may try it if it was handled right. No, I'm not saying all guys are secretly gay. Just in that microcosm I mentioned, it seemed that if a regular acting dude approached a straight guy, it didn't seem weird. Under normal circumstances, you can't just walk up to a straight dude and say something homoerotic to him about what you want to do to him. Not saying it hasn't happened, but is pretty rare. Trying to convince a straight dude he secretly wants to do it is disrespectful as well.

If nothing else, you could end up with a new friend like I did. I met M in a sports bar in Georgetown. He was a monster at 6'7" tall and built like a tank. When I approached him, I asked if he'd be opposed to me trying to get to know him. He wanted to know why. I told him I'm gay and he looked very interesting, so I wanted to know him. He asked eventually if I was after sex and I'm's highly unlikely someone at your size has much to fear from an unwanted advance. Yes, I like to live dangerously, but trying to push something on you seems more like suicide. He got a good laugh and we were friends for a couple years prior to him moving.
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There are gay guys who are interested in straight guys. Honestly there are a lot of hot straight guys out there. I don't bother any of them because I feel like it is wrong. I respect straight dudes.

There are some straight guys that will probably do something sexual with another man...(gay, straight or bi.).
It is a big world with lots of people with tendencies. You definitely are right in asking in the right way.

It is nice to ask. That is how to find out about ask questions and get the answers you are seeking. If you need clarification, ask more questions.

Helps if they are stuck on a boat, submarine, prison, or are drunk, and it happens more often then people would believe, particularly of straight men that are sick of hitting the pussy. Married dudes want to experiment a lot.
You're wordiness isn't an issue on my end, I appreciate it.

I think if guys handle it right it isn't an issue and I'm taking lessons from this btw,lol. I agree that all str8 guys aren't gay and that belief is one thing that grates on my nerves with some gay guys. That being said I think a lot of str8 guys are more sexually open than they put on just because we're guys, we really don't care that much what we fuck or get off w/ its the whole society deal or "what would your friends" think - that's why if you cool, you get 'em alone one on one and there's the opportunity, it might not happen the first time but there's a strong possibility if there's that chemistry or tension. Cool post and where did this blog post come from anyway?

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