Suck my clit and suck it good!

Has a woman every said that to you?
I would.
I do.
It drives me crazy to have a man's mouth on my pussy. Exploring, licking, sucking, spreading me open to probe deeper, longer, and to expose more of my juiciness. I have large labia that swell to twice their size easily when aroused and i love nothing more than a man who knows how to suck them into his mouth, teasing me over and over again.
A man who loves giving oral is the absolute best on the planet!
Why you ask?
Cuz it sends me into this other realm where my mind becomes one with his tongue. Where I can't help but be guided into this sensual journey going round and round, deeper and deeper, feeling things I thought I'd never feel
being given this beautiful gift of sheer ecstasy floating on wave after wave of pure bliss.
God i want you
don't ever stop
loving me
licking me
tasting me
exploring me
sucking me
fucking me
...... everlastingly.....

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I'm guessing that you're a bit sexually charged right now. Pity I can't afford a ticket up there, I'd fulfill your needs/desires and then some.:yup:
I'd love to do everything to your clit and vagina, but British Columbia's a little to far for me, Sorry baby.
I wish I had come across you sooner. I enjoy warm thighs on my cheeks as I kiss and lick pussy. I would eat you any time you so desired.
brenusa96;bt25152 said:
I wish I had come across you sooner. I enjoy warm thighs on my cheeks as I kiss and lick pussy. I would eat you any time you so desired.

thanks brenusa -- sounds good to me! ... every day baby!
bonecrusher180;bt92666 said:
Why are you in b.c? You 're too far. You' re Just my type of woman. Beautiful and horny!

Heck yeah... horny little slut I am. Where's my sugar daddy? You can fly me in and out? *kiss*

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