Sucking a cock of a hetero man!

Want to suck a cock of a real hetero man? Go to Morocco, Greece or Turkey to mention a few countries where hetero men fuck gay men. Just give a hint that you are a, you get a nice hetero cock! Take a taxi in Greece and mention to the taxi driver that you like cocks you will end up on a deserted beach sucking a wonderful cock! Anyone had this experience?
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Uhhh, I don't mean to get technical, but if a man participates in homosexual relations, he is not a heterosexual...I mean...that is literally the definition of the word lol.
That is what usually people think. Modern society decided that once a hetero man fucks a gay guy, he is technically homo also. They do not going out looking for gays to fuck, but if the opportunity arises they will do. Hey, we are very good cock suckers and a lot of men prefer a hole than a pussy.
One site I use: is full of such guys who want to meet older Eaurpean and American types to fuck them and seed them. All married too, as far as i can work our!!! I want to know if anyone thinks this will ever change and those countries be as liberated as America and northern Europe.
Tony x

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