
yes, my babe finally perfected my favorite position!! i get a healthy dose of the best workout every night now :3
teaching isn't my best thing, but ive done good, me and blue eyes now are in sync and he knows how to push me to the edge.
he's fav thing to do is to pin me down where i can't move (hmmm :3 fun) and teasing me, not going in all the way or just rubbing up against me.
i love how he's a lot stronger than he looks, and has that lean hard body. i love the vcut and abs.
sweetest thing he has done was shave his beard for me hehe i hate facial hair, i'm kinda into the babyface thing xD
ha maybe it was the threat of 'if u don't shave ur face, i won't shave down there' xD hahaha
I'm a happy girl..until i got a text the other day from Green eyes...ugh.
had to ruin my happy, haven't talked to that guy in a month, he ended it and just stopped talking to me. whateva i have a few guys to chose from but it still pissed me off. i have an internal flip out ugh and he has the nerve to flirt with me...sad thing is i flirted back..whats wrong with me

--confused and selfish


We all like attention and being made to feel sexy, even if we don't otherwise like the person. My advice would be don't beat yourself up too much about it, but maybe don't sext him back anymore either:p

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