Tantric Variations

In another thread Devon Texas asked, "What was your longest sexual experience?" I could have been flippant and replied "11 inches with another bloke at school!" But he meant something else, and this was my reply.

It's in my blog because it was something I always meant to write about, but never did.

If you mean the longest continuous experience joined, without parting for sleep, pee or cuddles...........?

Well, a former g/f and I were really into tantric sex and meditation (OK, it's got a stupid reputation because of Sting....but....)

If you treat sexual sensations as something you can observe, like your breath, then arousal spreads away from the genitals and diffuses all over the body. If she sits in your lap, legs wrapped around you, and you are sitting, joined, face to face, instead of rushing to a peak of tension and a rush of release in orgasm, it's like the whole body becomes sexually aroused, the physical sexual sensations diffuse over the whole body, not just focussed in the genitals.

Instead of love-making being aimed at building tension and then releasing it in one orgasm, the peak experience becomes an endless plateau of intense arousal, time ceases to matter, and every part of the body becomes orgasmic, wherever your bodies touch. It's like surfing on an endless wave.

So you need to move very little to keep the fire stoked. In practice, the female partner may have very many orgasms, but what happens to the male is that the body experiences repeated orgasmic releases without actual ejaculation. So you don't need to cum with ejaculation until you're both ready to stop. The sexual energy spreads out all over your body, up your back, spine, down your arms and legs, into your head and chest.

And often my g/f and I would make love like this for a few hours and I would not "cum" at all. Which leaves you all energised and charged up ready to go again as soon as she's ready for more.

And BTW, you don't need to imagine she's a goddess, unless you want to, and she doesn't need to pretend you're a god. You don't need flowers and incense or sitar music. All you need is to give each other your total attention, spend plenty of time in the warm-up zone, kissing, stroking, fondling, sucking and licking. Then join up and surf the wave.

So, after all that, what was our longest unbroken session.....we started one morning at 5.00am and decided to stop for food at 3.00pm that afternoon.

But hey, when you're young and in love, who needs tantric sex?

Give it a try. BTW, do it with a partner you trust enough not to need a condom. Condoms do interfere with the subtle sensations and energies.
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"But hey, when you're young and in love, who needs tantric sex?" 5.00am to 3.00pm? WOWEE!
The first time I fucked the woman that I married, I fucked her for four hours straight (true). I guess I was pretty happy she wanted me (slutty girl). That was 27 years ago. I really should get to idolizing that mean old bitch again (again true), maybe I could get her to cum (irresistible force versus immovable object). Hah. (also true)
Fascinating subject!

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