If you are not familiar with the "tarameter" I shall provide a brief history. I was reading the forms and found all kinds of pics with different penis length measurement systems such as-- coins, pop cans, bottles, pens and pencils, etc. The problem is not all of these items are very standard in size, for example today you can purchase a mini-pop can, or you could sharpen the pencil to make it much shorter then the average pencil. So after some research I was thinking a US Dollar Bill would be more standard in length and would avoid cheating, unless you attempt to use shorter currencies. Anyway if any of you are super bored and wouldn't mind experimenting with the "dollar bill" as to how it would be applied or used; I would appreciate seeing those pics or vids of the dollar bill in action, sort of speak. I want to call the dollar bill length my official "Tarameter" similar to the centimeter; but I don't really know if this is going to work without real hard evidence. I am not sure how the dollar bill and penis would interact in a real life setting. A friend suggested the dollar bill be placed at the edge of a table and the penis placed on top, I tried this with a plastic penis and that seems to work fine if the table is level, however not sure how a real penis would work, omg what if you need to use two or more dollar bills; there are too many technical issues it hurts my brain.