The Actual Size of Porn Stars

There is an LPSG thread titled "Measured Porn Stars." It is a very long-lived and popular thread and I think it serves an important purpose: Bringing a dose of much-needed reality to the topic of male porn star penis size. Certain parts of the porn industry have responded to the fetishization of large endowments by exaggerating the measurements of the male actors, then using combinations of camera angles, lens selection and very petite co-stars to support the outlandish size claims.

So what? Does it matter? Well I think it does matter, because when people believe the claimed porn sizes of 10, 11 or 12 inches, it can skew people's perception of what "hung" really means. Much like the "perfect" bodies of retouched models in women's magazines, it sets up an unrealistic expectation for men and contributes to the feelings of inadequacy that some guys already deal with. Many of these porn stars are not much larger than the average male, but are helping to exacerbate the problem of men thinking that their penises are not large enough.

I created this blog entry to help cut through the inevitable drama and bullshit on that LPSG thread. Unfortunately there are some individuals that want to argue back and forth about the "true" size of porn actors and I want to provide a way of getting away from that pointless arguing.

So here is what I am going to do. I am going to maintain this blog entry with a table of known porn star sizes, based solely on the photographic evidence posted to the Measured Porn Stars thread. I am going to be as objective as possible, but what goes on this list is going to my decision alone and I won't engage in arguments about it. Basically I'm only going to use photos or video where a decent measurement can be made or estimated. Nothing is "proof" of anything: You'll just need to view the evidence (which will vary in quality) and make up your own mind. I hope you find it useful.

Name: Andrew Andretti
Claimed size:
Actual size: 6-6.5"
Evidence: 1

Name: Mark Ashley
Claimed size: 10"
Actual size: 7"
Evidence: 1

Name: John E. Depth
Aliases: J. Depth, Johnny Depth
Claimed size:
Actual size: 7.5-8"

Name: Shane Diesel
Aliases: Shane D., Big Shane
Claimed size:
Actual size: 7.5-8"
Evidence: 1

Name: Billy Glide
Aliases: Billy Glyde, Tad Nolen
Claimed size: 9"
Actual size: 6.5"
Evidence: 1

Name: Scott Nails
Aliases: Scott Skools
Claimed size: 9.5"
Actual size: 7"
Evidence: 1

Name: Preston Parker
Aliases: Dillon Parker, Chris Parker
Claimed size:
Actual size: 7.5-8"
Evidence: 1

Name: Ramon Nomar
Aliases: Roberto
Claimed size: 9"
Actual size: 6.5-7"
Evidence: 1, 2, 3

Name: Sledge
Aliases: Sledge Hammer
Claimed size: 9"
Actual size: 7-7.5"
Evidence: 1

Name: Johnny Sins
Aliases: Johnny Sinns
Claimed size:
Actual size: 7-7.5"
Evidence: 1, 2, 3

Name: Lexington Steele
Aliases: Lex
Claimed size: 11", 12"
Actual size: 8.5-9"
Evidence: 1, 2

Name: Criss Strokes
Aliases: Chris Holmes, Braden
Claimed size: 9"
Actual size: 7-7.5"
Evidence: 1, 2


thanks for setting the record straight. .wish u success on the endeavor to keep this list updated
Since I posted this before the site update, the blog post can't be edited. So for now I won't be updating this. At some point in the future I may repost and then update.
I'm also aware that the evidence links don't work any more. If I get time I'll repost this blog entry, fix the links and update with any new evidence.

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