The Bullpen: A Phallic Brotherhood Part 2

Four days later, the guys who’d gone to visit the Bullpen were back. The rest of their swim buddies heard that they’d returned and were curious to hear about their experience there. Their friends didn’t know where they had gone, because the ones who’d invited them didn’t say where they were taking them. They didn’t know that their buddies who’d gone were asked not to say the name of the place, but they could say certain things about their experiences there.

The returnees chose one to speak for the group, having agreed on what to share.

He began: “It’s pretty far from here, They led us to a place where they had some horses, and we all managed to find a horse to ride by doubling up on the saddles. When we got there, we were welcomed by some dudes who stay there.

The next thing was really amazing. You guys gotta hear this. Everybody we met was naked, and they asked us to get naked too. So they took our clothes and saved them for when we’d return.

It was getting towards dark when we arrived, and they were getting ready for dinner. After we ate they told us each of us should find somebody to bunk with because the number of beds was just enough for the ones already there. we chatted with different guys and checked them out. Each of us found a guy to bunk with pretty quick.

The guys there are really friendly, and they’re kind of like us... I mean they’re pretty horny, always thinking about dick. Since they’re all naked, you could see when they started show the signs... you know, get a semi-boner, start to drool precum, and like that.

After some more social time, it was bedtime, and we all went to the bedroom of the guy we chose for a bunkmate. It wasn’t long before we were getting in heat. That’s what they call it, kinda like bulls when bulls get it up.

Anyway, I got a massive boner, and so did my new pal. He’s really hung; we were a good match that way. I started to jerk off, figuring he’d do the same, but he told me they didn’t do that in bed, ‘cause of not getting jizz on the sheets. I asked what we were supposed to do now that we were so horny. He asked me if ever sucked a guy’s dong. Well, you guys know me, I’m not shy if it feels good. Shit, some of you have done it with me when we were alone together. I said if we both did it, you know like 69, I would be cool. So that’s what went down... huh, funny to say it that way.”

At this point, all the guys laughed, thinking like yeah, like go down on each other...

The guy telling the story waited, then took up again:

“We both woke up all boned stiff again... lucky no traces on the sheets. We both swallowed a lot of jizm to take care of that. I was up for another go, but he said breakfast was very soon, and I should find another guy to bunk with that night. They didn’t want us to repeat, but to check other guys out.

Anyway, it went on like that... Dudes, it was cool, that’s all I can say, like paradise for horny young guys like us. The thing is, they’re not just looking for just any horny guys; they have certain things in mind, beyond a horny attitude. But they’d like some others of us to visit, maybe a couple more. I told them the next time we’d be at the lake, and they said to make sure everybody from the first time would be there. That’s all I can say. Beyond that, they told us mum’s the word.


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