The Good Earth-

I really don't want to get carried away with blog writing all the time, but today was a really cool day. I finally got my dog, Sam, to fetch more than two times. The funny part was that instead of bringing the ball to me, he would run into the rec. room (it opens to the patio from which I toss his ball) drop the ball and look at me. I also did some raking of leaves as I have about five trees on my property which is actually quite large. I was walking around today and the realization that all this land was mine, was just about overwhelming. I love "The Good Earth" and to be out in nature. Speaking of nature, the cute little ducks are starting to fuck in my front yard... have they no shame? (did you notice that rhyme?). I had bought some pansies (you know pansies for a pansy) and wanted to plant them around one of the trees. Do you think I could find a spade? I have all this storage area now and I can't find a bloody thing half the time!!! The pansies will wait until I purchase a spade because summer maybe over before I find mine!! Fellows and maybe some ladies - thanks for reading this ... that is of course if you did. I just wanted to share a little happiness. Peace!

BTW - This is Sam IMG_6018.JPG


ADORABLE and I love that he knows that fetch can be played by BOTH parties!
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Have fun training your puppy - its easier than a man!
(actually in the long term I know which I prefer though training for treats can be time consuming)

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