The Hot and Heavy Concert

My best friend and I head out with her boyfriend and 3 other men who we barely know as they are all buds of her boyfriend. We end up in a very packed location watching an awesome concert, zoomin along high on some good blow. At one point I notice all 3 men are quite near me, all a little behind me. We're all dancing, having to get really close to each other to talk as it's so loud so that always involves lots of touching to get close enough to the ear to be heard properly. A couple of times I am "accidentally" touched on my ass and edge of my breast and then a most amazing tune hits that's all sexy with lots of bottom and i started to bend my knees and grind a bit into whoever is behind me... he returns the favour with a responsive grind into my ass and continues to do this all through the song. I make sure to turn my head occassionally just enough to ensure he sees a smile on my face.

During the next song, he initiates the cock to ass grinding and I'm loving it. Suddenly there's a break but i pay no attention ... in a couple seconds I've really got a grinding cock in my ass now... this one's very obvious this time. I don't hesitate and I push right back into him and even bend forward a little so he can lay his hand on my back... he likes that. All the time I'm actually thinking it's the same man but as the song ends I discover it's grinder #2. He looks at me and says "Nice. Really Fuckin Nice!" We laugh.

There's an intermission. We all go outside for air, drinks, smokes, tokes... whatever and just as we're coming back in, Grinder #2 says "Just a warning: When you go through that door, you're grinding material!" I laugh and head on in to our same little corner of the concert hall. During the next 2 hours I have Grinder #1 right behind my ass the whole entire time but now he's getting really brave and there is not an inch between our bodies the whole time. We are pretty much Dirty Dancing grinding and exploring each other pretty freely.

We are actually just in an aisle of the hall so we have people seated on either side of us and we're standing, dancing, grinding and yes there are more men crowded all around watching the stage but I can see that a bouncer/security dude pretty much has his eyes on me and Grinder #1 every time I glance that way. Grinder #1 gets very brave and wraps his arms around my chest and is holding me tight against him.

He then slips a hand right into my bra and begins fondling my breast and pinching my nipples while his cock is digging into my ass.

He stops only to run his hands up and down the sides of my body travelling over my hips and feeling my ass intermittently while grabbing all of my hair in his fist, then forcing my head sideways so he can plant kisses on the back and side of my neck. He keeps whispering in my ear "You sexy little fuck" and then he goes back to my hips and then back to his arms folded over the front of me, groping, pinching my nipples in and outside of my bra. Whew, I'm now on fire and actually if anyone were to even touch my clit I'm sure I would've exploded right there and then.

My girlfriend was glancing over occassionally and at one point when my eyes were closed with head titled back on Grinder#1's shoulder, she comes and licks down the front of my neck and i grab her and pull her in close to me and we just stayed like that completely embraced with me sandwhiched between her and my Grinder... all heavily breathing and immersed in the music and the pheromones of passion and lust.

At some point I remember glancing at Grinder #2 and Grinder Wannabe #3 (who never did do so) both looking greedily my way wishing they were the ones fondling and grinding me all that time. Grinder #1 had claimed me that's for sure. Whew! it was intense. I have no idea how many people knew what was happening and I just acted like everything was cool at the end of the show. I may have to continue this story in a wee bit because Part 2 was definitely the Afterparty is something I'll never forget! whew... i need a drink! ... and some dry panties.


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