The Love Tap

This is the second attempt at posting this entry. I have had a bit of difficulty with this site lately, has anyone else been running into this problem as well? It is extremely frustrating.

Lately I've been exploring my sexuality a bit more and I am looking into more things of... well let's say that nature. By things of that nature I mean kink to be precise.

This is a darker area that I don't tend to tread often, and the things that I am interested in are usually very tame. Yet they are still incredibly interesting. For example, I've been very bad lately... for those of you into kink you know what that means.

I need a spanking.

I so enjoy being held down, while I fight to gain my freedom as an individual informs me how naughty I've been and they begin to give me a proper spanking.

There is something very erotic, cathartic and intimate about giving someone a good spanking during sexual play.

When I am being spanked I enjoy the spanker to have a steady rhythm in their swat. I also like them to have a firm, but not too heavy hand. If my backside is jiggling and stinging I find it incredibly stimulating.

When I am being spanked I find that I enjoy the stinging sensation the most. I enjoy allowing myself to be dominated, just in that situation and at that moment. I tend to get very flush and sweaty and lose my urge to get away as time progresses.

I enjoy having my ass spanked by itself, or during sex. I love how it feels.

Yet I also love to spank ass as well.

Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to spank someone outside of sex but I feel that I would take great pleasure in it. It is difficult for me to not get an erection with anything warm on my lap. Having a warm, squirming individual whose backside I was swatting on my lap would be incredibly satisfying.

I almost always find myself slapping my partner's behind during sex. I get so caught up in everything that I find a good swat here or there can really get them jolted if they are lost in sensation. There has been a random time or two when I have even missed my partner and somehow hit myself, truly it was unintentional...

More to come...


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