the two hookups night

Late one night, chilling with my best friend and texting around seeing who was available soonish, bc i had just watched a movie and played pool with my family. Now i was dropping off my friend and hoping for a text so i didn't have to go home right away. I get one response from a guy who use to be my highschool crush, who i did for the first time a few weeks b4 hand bc of waaay too much drinks and vindictivness on my part lol
--Hey lets play--was his text, i respond, --ok, where ?--
We end up meeting up in some random parking lot close to the college campus, i hop into his car thinking we'd go somewhere else and get down and dirty. Nope he wants to do it right there in his new jeep. I haven't done it b4 in a car or anywhere really too out there. But he puts down the back seats and bam tons of room, for me at least lol i'm small remember. He start making out, hands roaming, the faint taste of weed on his breath. Finally he starts undoing my pants, and plays with me for a bit. i undo his buttons and run my hands down to feel how hard he was. It was at attention and ready to go. It was quick and i didn't get off, the excuse he used was that i was too tight....he isn't the biggest ive had and sadly was disappointed.again. I peaced out pretty quickly, and went home, got into pjs and snuggled into bed and started reading a book. the phone starts going off, i check and see who'd be calling me so very late....ah my fav fuckbuddy who i hadn't had the pleasure in a looooonggg time. The convo went like this, him: hey, whatchaaa doin? honestly im drunk as hell and need some rough sex, like real rough, save word rough, want to come over?
its super late, i never go back out when i've gone home and gotten into pjs...but...i weight the options of what i should do. Get in trouble for leaving so late...or go get some awesome sex. No brainer there lol. I drive over, still on the phone with him, his words slur a bit but i continue on. I get there, he opens the door, i barley and through the door when he grabs my hair and kisses me deep and wantingly.
Aggressively and unusual for this particular fb. He pulls my hand and leads me upstairs and to his room, hardly and chance to put mystuff down when he locks the door and rips off my jacket. I warn him he dare not rip my clothes, he smirks and slowly tugs them off. lusting hands and need pull at me, he kisses me and i realize i'm almost fully naked in no time flat and he was already rearing to go lol. I get thrown, literally thrown a few feet off the ground and onto his bed.
where he then pounces on me, pushing me down and hands in my hair, tongue searching in my mouth. Its slightly alarming, since i'm not use to it with this person, who usually is soft and sensual. but my need for a great fuck, is flaring up quickly, i rise to his level of need and push back. my bra and undies are ripped off and thrown somewhere, as i rub his huge dick. He is in full control this time, not letting me try to dominate like usual. Im pinned down and groped hard, and he slides himself in deep. I gasp as he fills me up, and the desperate pushing of it all. He slams into me over and over, and im already shocked into bliss. He motions for me to flip over, where he grabs my hips and pounds me doggy style.
No rest at all, and smooth transitions into different positions, he flips me again,puts my legs on his shoulders and pounds me deep. I try my best not to scream my pleasure, i prefer being dominated but hardly ever get that. It gets rougher and faster, i orgasm several times, i count them out when it happens, he use to love it when i did that, but tonight it felt like our coupling was a more primal need. He reaches down and hands around my neck slowly squeezing, I let him do it..this sex felt very angry and like he just needed it. It gets very intense, i have to tap out bc i couldn't even say the safe word, he stops and picks me up, where im sitting in his lap facing him, our bodies pressed close, and i ride him like that for a bit. Finally after what seems like forever bliss, he puts me into our favorite position. The downward doggie, i get to be slightly lazy and feel all of him so tightly in me.
His weight pressing down on me feels good, and i squeeze tightly on his hard cock, pushing myself on it as much as i can, this is his weak spot. Im so wet i hear the sucking sound of my tight pussy on his huge dick, i'm getting off every other second and i'm def moaning loudly into the pillow. This pleasure immeasurable, I feel him straining not to let go but in this position i have control. I quicken my pace of moving up and down slightly, clenching, and feeling his dick rub all of me. Im demanding that he cum for me, not knowing how much more i could take, he just keeps pounding me deeply. Finally where i'm almost limp with exhaustion he explodes in me, his hot cum filling me up, the sensation giving me another intense pleasure.
He pulls out slowly and lays down beside me, our bodies giving off a slight steam. i'm breathing heavily and shivering from sensitivity overload. Its a long while b4 im able to move and even open my eyes. It was mindblowing.

--second hookup worth it.


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