
I get sooo bloody angry when I post stuff online and get little to no response... especially art I want critiqued or a dating site profile with tons of visitors yet no messages.

I create to share. I have no proof of sharing unless someone acknowledges I've put something up with actions or words.

Baw. I'm simply not one of those people satisfied with "doing it for myself".


Can understand how you feel Syd
i am a terrible Art critiquer, so avoid, excuse me
Hope it improves matey
No offense dude, but this comes off a little conceited.

I get your standpoint - after all, creative stuff should be shared - but you should be doing it because you want to do it and let the discussion/appreciation happen naturally.
Conceited would be "I create this shit for you - praise it and show me your worth!". This is, obviously, quite the opposite.
Your last point is essentially the opposite of what I stated in my last sentence as well.

Appreciate the comment, though. I don't think I've ever seen you here before. o.o

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