
la well haven't been on here in a bit, update...well wanted to start to do porn with sircocksalot a fellow lpsg member, so i go over we chat and i'm excited yet nervous as the time comes closer to the appointment time...we do it as a warm up since i haven't had one his size in a very long time, i dont get off just one of those lazy type of sex where you just talk to one another. it feels good but not amazing as it use to. the passion we once had is no longer there..and im not super into it, and i think to myself; 'wow love or caring about someone really ups the sex appeal and passion in doing it'
and i enjoy doin it with my bf, the other day was awesome. rented a movie and almost at the end b4 the huge action scene, we pause it to take a potty break and grab some drinks...
but someone how it turns into a hot quicky
i tease him just a lil and jump him lol ride him real quick and he tells me he's already about to cum, haha i smirk 'wow super quick' but thats fine its cute. but then he hits my gspot and bam. we cum together. it was cute and sexy at the same time
ah but back to the start, ya gonna attempt to do porn ;p i'll letcha know how that turns out, i didn't get to do it that day :/ i was like 'damn i did u for nothing!!!" shew made me feel a lil bad, i haven't told my bf about it. he would noooooot be down for me doing other ppl. so i'll let him go on blissfully unawares. and it didn't feel like i was cheating. i wanted a job, and it felt just that. a job nothin more. no feelings, no passion.nada.
ah well

--bleh of life


Just saw your video blowing Sircocksalot.. pretty hot stuff. He does seem pretty thick though not the longest but cameras and angles can be deceiving. You MIGHT want to clue the BF in as videos have habits of popping up places you don't intend. ;)
I don't care how you try to justify it, doing a porn video with someone and failing to tell your partner that you did it counts as cheating. Even if there was no passion, no romance, and no feelings, you're having sex with someone who isn't your partner. No one deserves someone who is going to cheat on them, even if it's for a job. If he thought it was OK, you wouldn't have to lie to him about it.
I agree with james... ya shoulda told your bf. (IMO)

edit: saw the video... I agree with TheBestYouCan.... you may want to give your guy(s) a heads up for there is no denying that this is you ... way too much face~

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