
So here's an update. I have the TLC tugger.
I'm wearing it right now :smile:
I've worn it around the house a few times and worn it to bed 3 times. The first time it came off in my sleep, the second time i woke up in with some discomfort from the device, took it off and went back to sleep around 3am. Third time is a charm. It stayed on during the night for at least 7 hours. I woke up for work a little early, had some minor discomfort, and took it off. Through this whole process, the trial and error, I have learned how to properly attach the Tugger, how much tension to use, etc etc. It does take a little practice. However, from the mere 12-15 hours I've used the tugger, I can already tell a difference. My shaft skin slides up and rolls over (when flaccid of course) much easier and with much less bunching than before. So, I know it's working. I also know it's a process and it will take some time. Patience is a virtue. But if I can tell that it's doing something, and I can see progress, I'm gonna keep up with it.
That's the restoration update. As for jelqing, I haven't kept up with that because of several other things in my life going on and concentrating on restoration. If/when I pick back up with the jelqing I'll let you know. but honestly, do I really need a bigger (already 7x6) penis?

that's all for now :biggrin1:


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