Well I know LPSG is a silly place to post this.

But that's okay, I just want to vent.

Today is January 21, and in exactly 10 days, it will be three years since my father passed away. Its weird, three years? It seems like it was only yesterday.

There's so many things I wish I could tell him. There's so many questions I want to ask him. So many things I need advice on.

Honestly? I still feel like maybe one day I can pass him on the street when we're driving, and he's on his motorcycle, like we used to do when I was 17. I still feel like sometimes my phone's going to ring, and the caller ID will read Daddy. The hardest reality slap I've ever gotten was deleting his number from my cell phone. I think it took me about 3 months before I did. I used to call his voicemail just to hear his voice. Yeah, lame, I know.

My life came to basically a screeching halt when he left. It was just so sudden. And our last words were a muttered "fuck you" because I had woken him up for a nap, and he was grumpy. I didn't go to college right out of high school.. I had SO many scholarships but my heart was just to ripped apart for me to want to even venture into such an obstacle. I used to compete in national horseshows, and everyone asks me why I quit. My dad was the only person who went to them with me, as my support. Was I going to go alone? It just wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't see his smiling face on the fenceline when I passed. I wouldn't get his high-fives when his little girl won first place.

I honestly go to his grave and talk to him, like he can hear me. I more or less have a conversation with him. I want him to know whats going on in my life. I want him to know that I will always miss him.

I just.. don't know if this is something that will hurt me this deep for the rest of my life, or if the sorrow will subside. I always wonder who is going to walk me down the isle. Who would my boyfriend ask for my hand in marriage.. Nobody?

Well, sorry for anybody who even read this. It was just me needing to get stuff of my chest.
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Your father's espiritu is not at a grave. He is probably wanting you to horseback ride again. He probably wants you to be happy not give up life because he lost his and gained another.

And he probably knows that "FU" bomb wasn't nothing. He was being reactionary. I think that he would be happy if you started horseback riding again.

I hope that you do. I know times are hard...but you can be happy. Living happy and living your dream are good ways of honoring your father.

And I always believe that your father is never far. Look in the mirror. You always have a part of your father with you.
“Hold dear to your parents for it is a scary and confusing world without them.”
--Emily Dickinson

My mother died 11.5 years ago after a long illness. My father a little over 3 years ago. My mother's death was harder and occasionally I still dream about her. Occasionally I miss my father's counsel. But the more time passes, the more reconciled I am.

I would've hated to see my mother live to see 9/11. And frankly, it was not always easy to be their son.
I still horseback ride, I just don't compete. I know the FU bomb didn't mean anything to him, we always said that to each other jokingly. But I still wish I could have had the opportunity to tell him I love him, one last time at least, you know?

Sorry for your losses, Scalawag. I'm sure it was tough.

Thank you both for your comments. :)
"But I still wish I could have had the opportunity to tell him I love him, one last time at least, you know?"

If it means anything to you, your father knows that you do love him and you never had to say it. And that wherever your father is, I know that he is watching out for you.
my father died two years ago last week. I never said 'I love you', nor did he. He was of that generation that couldn't express his emotions and maybe that was the same for you. I am sure he is proud of you and knows how you feel- sometimes words are not needed...
<<big brotherly hugs>> if that's OK ...

Keep talking with him at his grave. If that works for you, that's what counts.

My belief is that your Dad is in a place where he's got all that in perspective, and he loves you now in a way we mortals can't even understand!

People grieve for however long they have to. I hope, however, that his memory turns from sadness to wistful happiness soon ...
I just wanted to say i'm sorry for you loss. It also sounds as though you had a wonderful relationship with your father. I'm sure the loss hurts. I hope some of that hurt will subside for you as time passes and the happy memories of that great relationship will bring smiles to your face when you least expect it. Hugs, b
No, it will not hurt this bad for the rest of your life.

It's six years since my mom died, and it was awful for the first few years. She is in my thoughts every day (and I mean it when I say that), but I am no longer crushed by the loss of her.

So hang in there -- in a couple of years the pain won't be as bad.

But please, never stop talking to him. He might be offended! :wink:
Thanks pitbull :).

Invisibleman: Thanks. I know that he knew I loved him. We had a close relationship so I know that our last words really weren't a big deal? I just wish I could have said goodbye, I should say.

Tal94, my dad didn't say it often neither did I, I guess he was far too macho :p. But it was understood. Maybe it was their generation.

Rontar: Thank you hun.

Krispdx: Aww. You're a sweetheart. Hugs are totally acceptable :). I hope it turns to happiness soon as well, I hate being this sad :(.

Badgirl22: Thank you a lot. That was very genuine and sweet of you.

Not_Punny: Thats very good to hear from someone who was in my shoes at one point. Thank you so much.

I love my lpsg friends, you guys are awesome, even though the comments made me cry :p
As many here know, my mom died last month. So yes, I know how hard it is. It gets better over time, but it is a great loss. My mom died suddenly - she had even gone to work the day before she died. She had had some health problems, but she'd had various health problems for many years, so I thought that the last one was no different from the others.

It is especially hard when your last words are ones of anger like yours were though. Just try to remember the good words that outnumbered the angry ones.
whatireallywant I know how you feel. My dad was in the gym every day and was very healthy. And then out of now where, on vacation in the cape with his gf, about 40mins away, he just suddenly had a fatal heartattack. I'm so sorry for your loss. If you ever want to talk to someone who's been thru it then you can certainly msg me whenever. I really mean that.
Bless you hon,

I am so sorry for your loss, even though I dnt know you.

I think you owe it to yourself to go back to College (if you so wish) and return to competing in your horseshows, if you have talents you shouldn't supress them.

If it helps you to talk to your fathers grave then why not?? Whatever helps you feel close to him.

I'm sure your father is out there watching over you and is very proud.
i felt it too, even u didnt say that u love him, ur heart had said it.
i still have this feeling, in the night i still hear the voice calling my name, but i know that maybe its call from the sky.
the sound of ur voice, the look of ur face, i still remember u, even u r not here, i felt u r near, even u r far.
miss U
Wow that was beautiful.
I have a 6 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. I love them both more then life itself. However, the special bond that i share with my daughter is something impossible to desctibe in words. And it works both ways, our love. I used to be a massive womanizer and player when a little younger. Always a tough guy that chicks liked and blokes liked to be around.
My daughter totally changed me into warm, loving, doting sensitive guy. I wouldnt have it any other way. After reading your message, my thoughts were that i hope i can have a bond with my daughter as beautiful as yours and your fathers...that would fulfill me in life. Thank you for sharing

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