What'd I do THIS time???

Why are Mods suddenly checking out my profile again? The last time one of them "looked" at my profile, I ended up with a "delightful" little "notice" in my PM box. Now, two are in my "Recent 10" list. THIS should be fun.
:no: :blindfold: :rolleyes:


how do you know who the mods are? can't they
visit your page in invisible mode? you can PM me with


Um, the ticket that I asked about was reported a month and a 1/2 ago, and was closed 4 weeks ago. So, for the new visits to pop up, today, is seemingly unrelated, and, well, uh, disconcerting.
I know ya wanted a PM, but as a PSA... :tongue:
The list of current Mods/Admins can be found:

When you look in your "Recent Visitors" list, they show up, unless they are in invisible mode. First Freddie showed up, then Pecker showed up, then prepstud showed up. While mindeye commented on my blog, about looking at my profile, I can only assume that he's in invis mode, since he doesn't show up in the list. If, say, Rob_e was invisible, and looked at my profile, it wouldn't show up in my "Recent Visitors" list. However, if he switched back to "visible", and was still one of the 10 most recent visitors, he would then pop up on my list, until there were 10 more recent visitors to knock him off of it. In order to show up on someone's "Recent Visitors" list, you have to be BOTH, one of the 10 most recent visitors, and CURRENTLY in "visible" mode.
Um, the ticket that I asked about was reported a month and a 1/2 ago, and was closed 4 weeks ago. So, for the new visits to pop up, today, is seemingly unrelated, and, well, uh, disconcerting.
I'm not talking about that ticket.

You made a report to us at 10:15 am on September 18 regarding an entry in your profile.

While mindeye commented on my blog, about looking at my profile, I can only assume that he's in invis mode, since he doesn't show up in the list.

I've never been in invisible mode. By the time I saw the message you reported, other mods had already looked into it; I didn't see a need to follow up on the ground they had tread. And that's why I didn't show up.
Don't be scared of us looking at profiles, we are not just mods, but we're members, too. Sometimes we look at profiles to find out about a person--where they are from, what they do, hobbies, etc. The only reason to be paranoid is when you are breaking the rules.
I'm really not trying to be surly, or even jaded for that matter, but here is my experience, leading to my paranoia. I was, then, quite friendly and chatty, almost on a daily basis, with some Mods. Then, out-of-the-blue, I get blind-sided with a warning, when I was sincerely unaware that I was even breaking any rules. I'm later told that there was an involved discussion that arrived at that conclusion, and my actions that led to it, took place over a few days. It just seems that, over those few days, seeing my actions, that if I was doing something that I was obviously unaware was wrong, and was continuing with it, that one of those that I was "friendly" with, might have dropped me a "dude, what were you thinking? Please don't do it again." and stopped me from walking, face first, right into a broken rule.

So, now that I'm know that I'm on the "watch list" for a particular rule, I'm paranoid about unknowingly stepping in it again. The result, is that I don't really try to invest in relationships here like I used to, I don't really talk about, and almost not even TO, people. Nope, for me it's just comments on things, occasional actions, fluff, sunshine, and rainbows, along with a lot of PMs, to a select few (although I'm entirely baffled that I still receive them from many, strangely, asking advice, and in some cases, even to DO something in certain situations, as though I even could, unless I have some mystic powers that are entirely imperceptible to me :confused:).

Bottom line... I'm still "scared", even if you're just looking at my "hobbies".

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