Whats a guy to do

Thank you for reading my blogg. You know it is hard to be a bi man who enjoy men as much as women. All the fake posts and replys on this site and others makes it hard to know how is real and who is not. I have got a lot of replys to my ads but when it comes time to meet up it is like pulling teeth. Why is it so hard to find sincere people:frown1::frown1::frown1::frown1::frown1:


It's not just here Bud. Had one for like 2 weeks (distance was an issue, but was planning a get together this weekend), called and texted me everyday about how hot I was, how I wasn't going to make it through their front door without being molested, yadda, yadda, yadda. The very last text was "get off for lunch in half an hour, can I call you. I texted back "yes". That was 3 weeks ago.

On here, honesty seems hard to come by. Was just talking about that with someone a few minutes ago. His advice was just know that what you do is good, and know that you can't change the dishonest and flakes.

And it also seems like sincere people are scattered everywhere, but no where near each other :-(

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