Why aren't you working?

Why aren't you working? :confused: :mad:

People sometimes ask me that and they always say it in an annoyed fashion. :261: I'm not on public assistance, I'm not taking a dime from anybody. Even if I were, so FUCKING WHAT! :mad: I started working when I was 16 and I have paid into the system my whole life. When my social security disability finally goes through, the money I get will be the money I paid into it from jobs at which I worked. :irked:

Sometimes I go into detail about my many medical issues, and sometimes I say because I am the full-time caregiver to both my parents. Both are true.

Welcome to my life:
They read my resume, and like what they see. So they call and talk to me on the phone and schedule an interview. When I walk in I see their hopeful, happy Caucasian face, fall. Then I see the wheels turning as they look at my resume and then back at me. Unable to believe that someone as well spoken, educated, experienced; and with a name as generically American like mine, could be a black person. :irked:

I got that in NJ and NY quite frequently.

Here in Georgia, it's way worse. I don't even get an interview. :frown1: It’s probably due to the double digit unemployment in my county and the many surrounding counties where I have applied for work in the past two years. Then again it could be because all my experience is up north. Maybe they don’t want to interview a carpet bagger.


Hey, I totally understand! I lost my steady job in 2005, and have had a really tough time of it since then. I've worked a lot of jobs, mostly temp jobs (like the one I have now), but still... I would love to find a steady job that I can do again, and am taking a class to get more job skills now too.

I get realllllly annoyed at the people who put down people getting public assistance as being "lazy". A few of them may be, but many are just going through a tough time. I haven't gotten welfare or food stamps, but I have gotten unemployment, and a lot of people are even against THAT!

And when you have a disability, it adds another dimension to the whole thing. I guess these assholes who put down anyone who is not currently employed would just rather have people with disabilities starve to death... (Uh, don't get me started on this!!! Major hot button...)
Maybe you shouldn't wear your elvis costume to job interviews... j/k.

Well that so totally sucks! (The faces falling on job interviews.)
I totally agree & get a kick out of watching "happy caucasian" faces wrinkle up as i walk into an interview. I was blessed w/ a wealthy sounding generic "white sounding" name.... something like John Witherspoon Smithers IV, im well spoken & educated at elite institutions. My gf is african american & has a generic asian sounding name & is in the financial sector & gets the same looks....just be greatful your momma didnt name you something crazy like Diakon, Octavious, or
DeAndre...but I feel your pain

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