Why aren't you working?
People sometimes ask me that and they always say it in an annoyed fashion. :261: I'm not on public assistance, I'm not taking a dime from anybody. Even if I were, so FUCKING WHAT! I started working when I was 16 and I have paid into the system my whole life. When my social security disability finally goes through, the money I get will be the money I paid into it from jobs at which I worked. :irked:
Sometimes I go into detail about my many medical issues, and sometimes I say because I am the full-time caregiver to both my parents. Both are true.
Welcome to my life:
They read my resume, and like what they see. So they call and talk to me on the phone and schedule an interview. When I walk in I see their hopeful, happy Caucasian face, fall. Then I see the wheels turning as they look at my resume and then back at me. Unable to believe that someone as well spoken, educated, experienced; and with a name as generically American like mine, could be a black person. :irked:
I got that in NJ and NY quite frequently.
Here in Georgia, it's way worse. I don't even get an interview. :frown1: It’s probably due to the double digit unemployment in my county and the many surrounding counties where I have applied for work in the past two years. Then again it could be because all my experience is up north. Maybe they don’t want to interview a carpet bagger.