
Why do people lie? Do people consider me so stupid that I won't find out, and think no harm is done? How is it so easy to look someone in the eyes and lie? Fucking weak ass bitches.


men do it too honey.... men do it too...

I will never understand why people lie....
Unless they are tired and need rest~~ :tongue:

but untruths? nah.. I just don't get it either, been lied too sooo many times tho :mad:...join the club~
Because honesty and integrity are not 2 virtues being promoted enough nowadays :mad:

Sorry that you had to experience whatever happened :frown1:
why do people lie? Because people want what they want, when they want it, instead of being happy with what they have got when they get it. Don't give up, everyone is not like that. You just have to look a little harder, but in the long run, it is worth it. Don't give up.

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