What does bump mean on here? I keep seeing that word on here
It counts as a thread update. Pings everyone subscribed, moves the thread back to the front page of that subforum so new people will see it. The intent is that it's a reminder to people that the thread exists. Your mileage may vary as to whether you find it annoying and counterproductive, of course.
bumping is annoying af because it's always done to threads that don't have anything to update, otherwise it would've been posted.
also, i'm pretty sure it's against the rules to bump threads that have been active within the past 24 hours
I'm super into him (his looks) and he finally showed his pretty twink feet in a recent video, but I never fooled myself into thinking he has any level of intelligence whatsoever. He's so dumb and superficial and all he does is talk about luxury clothes and sugar daddies (and always referring to 'America' as the land of the free or whatever bullshit in his videos)
His personality may not be the best, but here's some recent ones from Dean ASMR (a.k.a. Trevor) looking pretty fitDeanASMR2022i.PNG