Does Anybody Know...


Alena Kortanová z Milevska si vybojovala druhou životní šanci

He’s a very good boy. He basically devoted his entire life to being a care taker of his mom now after she had a stroke in 2015. I don’t know if it’s a good idea. That’s his only “job”. That’s amazing that his mom has such a great son but also kinda tragic for him to throw his life away in favor of his mom. Also, kinda weird his mom is ok using her own son as a personal servant not letting him live his life. He’s still young. And now will spend the rest of his life wheelchairing his mom and going to the hospitals. His mother is ok with that?

It’s also kind of weird because he has another brother and he’s living his life while he’s stuck wheelchairing his mom.

It’s funny how I am shocked at this but at the same time I’ve seen it first hand lol. Sometimes certain familial’s responsibility fall onto just one person. On one else bothered to help. Everyone in the family is perfectly ok with that 🙁. Why can’t his siblings take care of his mom instead and let him continue to do porn? Why does he have to be a good person?

To tell you the truth, I’m just bitter he had to retire from porn. I was wondering for a while why he quit. Then I saw that and was shocked and sad. The reason makes sense, but I’m still pissed that happened lol. It’s not 100% that he quit because his mom’s stroke but the date lines up (off 1 or 2 years). I think his last scene was in 2013/2014. His mom’s stroke happened in 2015. I feel bad for them at first but his mom is little weird for locking her own son down like that (they can’t find a proper caretaker or nurse and his siblings?). Again why can’t his siblings take care of his mom instead and let him continue to do porn? Why does he have to be a good person? then I’m also like why does he have to quit permanently tho? That’s all he does now… is being his mom care taker. He literally doesn’t do anything else. You would think people would run back to porn for a quick buck in hard times. That usually what happens. He quit entirely 😢 and never looked back. I think onlyfans on the side would make him so much money. He still looks HOT.
