
  1. k1987

    Photo Gay AI Art made with ImageFX

    This thread is made for people who want to share their work from ImageFX. Only gay art is allowed. Show off your talent in this thread! Feel free to share prompts as well!
  2. B

    Looking to sketch guys nude/erotic in NYC

    Hi — I am an amateur figure sketcher in NYC. Love to sketch other HWP guys in the nude. The “artist” directs, poses, and fluffs the “model.” Various poses and states of arousal ending in release. I also enjoy being sketched in this way and trading off. Open to other CMNM-type role plays as...
  3. Andros art of masculinity

    Would You Pose Nude for Art?

    My twin brother and I are identical artists and photographers. Our work primarily focuses on celebrating the muscular male form, which we believe is truly underappreciated in art today. We create art from the photos we take, which we call "creatography," aiming to showcase the beauty, strength...
  4. T

    Photo Dravexart gay porn

    if anyone has the uncensored that'd be great (im desperate for the quicksilver one tbrh)
  5. Umforgor

    Photo Post Dick, I’ll Draw It ✍️

    Have you ever wanted your very own dick art? I’ll call it Dart 😆 Post a pic below and I’ll draw it in my Notes App! All races, thicknesses, lengths, and trans men are welcome. Let’s see how long I can do this for! RULES: - 1 pic per person - No full body, blurry, or zoomed out pics
  6. D

    Deacon St John video game nude mod video

    Hi everyone, I’m a big fan of nude modded men in video games for nonsexual nudity to give the illusion of nudism in front of clothed characters. My latest obsession in nude modding is thanks to Deacon St John from Days Gone. I’ve found some gameplay footage of it in German which is okay, I’ve...
  7. Neonfruit

    Some experimental self portrait nudes

    The last one is the original photo. No filters.
  8. D

    Hung in Manhattan

    Looking for like minded individuals to create a community of men who are hung or who like hung.
  9. F

    Photo Aesthetic Gay Pics

    I’m about to move out and would love some gay pics/ prints to add to my gallery wall. Please post any aesthetic gay pics that could be hung on the wall.
  10. M

    Mi arte Erótico.

    No encontré un sitio adecuado para subir mi arte erótico, Así que espero que no les moleste que lo suba aquí. Por si quieren saber más de mí o si le gusta mi estilo, pueden contactarme en X (Antes Twitter) como ArtistKinky y en Instagram como mikestarmrz
  11. maxdenozo

    Foot Art

    There are threads for feet and threads for art, but I don't see one for both
  12. R

    [RYCANTHROPY (Mizuki Gai)] (Artist)

    If you're like me who LOVE Mizuki Gai work but can't read any Japanese or mandarin, I'm opening this thread looking for anyway of reading/obtaining a translated version of (Mizuki Gai's) comics. Here are few translated pages using a limited translating AI website (not sure if the translations...
  13. L

    Pro Photographer in perth

    Hey I have been shooting all around the globe i’m now in perth so let me know if you are looking for a video or photo shoot
  14. P

    Does anyone have 'Ay Papito' comics by tonyhony?

    His twitter:
  15. HimboJerk

    Photo Am I going to Catholic hell for doodling? Maybe!!

    I must confess!! I have a sinful fetish for ... hung priests gone bad. Dear LORD! My doodling is getting out of hand, I fear. When will my orgasmic purgatory end? :blush: Mmmmmfff!! Let's talk about it, people. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, Amen.
  16. MENagerie

    Photos & Videos The ART of NUDES

    This is a PORT which Celebrates the ART in/of the MALE NUDE
  17. D

    Cartoons & Art

    A thread to post spicy art and cartoon dudes that get you going! ;) Here’s Dilftown by the artist Schiozid Comics 1-10
  18. A


    Does anyone have burankoprn’s pre-timeskip One Piece pack? OnePiece Pretime Skip Pack
  19. B

    Please Help Find A Similar Photo

    Hi everybody! Could you please help me? I'm a digital artist and I need to find some ref pics that look like this art: Maybe there are some photos with such pose? Or perhaps something similar? It's for a commission, so I can show it here when it's done. Thanks to everyone in advance!
  20. B

    Please help find a similar photo

    Hi everybody! Could you please help me? I'm a digital artist and I need to find some ref pics that look like this art: Maybe there are some photos with such pose? Or perhaps something similar? It's for a commission, so I can show it here when it's done. Thanks to everyone in advance!
  21. S

    Artist looking for willing male models for virtual figure drawing.

    Hi all, I am an artist based in Cleveland, looking to men comfortable with posing nude for virtual figure drawing sessions. I want to make a small artbook of drawings done via zoom/skype to talk about art creation during the 2020 lockdown. All types of body-types are welcome, and the type of...
  22. D

    Photo 7angelm. My art and selfies. I hope you will enjoy.

  23. K

    Mortal Kombat 1

    i’m obsessed with literally every male in this game so i wanted to create a thread dedicated to mortal kombat 1 guys fakes, art, hot pics, etc. drop anything you got!!
  24. D

    Hung Bottom / Starving Artist New in San Diego, California

    Hi guys! My name is Riley and I am originally from the mid-west, but more recently moved from New York to California and now reside in San Diego. I am an artist and photographer by day (freelance currently while searching for the next full-time gig). I am passionate about fitness, bodybuilding...
  25. B

    Photo Need help ID this comic

    I thought about this comic the other day and how use to jerk off so bad to this pic, never knew who the artist is nor the original file source :(
  26. SATwink92

    Photo Do we like soft cocks here?

    He was a little shy this morning
  27. P

    Desaxxx Porn art

    Anyone keep an updated google doc or folder of art from Desaxxx on twitter and patreon? Desaxxx | creando Gay Comics, Photo editing, Animations | Patreon
  28. B

    NSFW art/yaoi of YouTubers

    I thought it would be interesting to share some saucy art of our favourite content creators. I'll start with some of my favourites + some of my art (in order: Steve from Good Vibes Gaming, Matt McMuscles, PeanutButterGamer, Lockstin, Braxton (JustStop).
  29. hrvywlkr

    Need NSFW for your stories?

    Hey guys - I’ve been doing a lot of retro-comic-style art lately, and I thought I’d offer commissions if any storytellers are interested. USD$10 per, Venmo/Pay accepted, and examples are below. If interested, message me and we’ll discuss your characters. If you’re interested in multiples, or...
  30. hrvywlkr

    Taking NSFW Art Commissions

    Hey guys - I’ve been doing a lot of retro-comic-style art lately, and I thought I’d offer commissions if anyone is interested. USD$10, Venmo/Pay accepted, and examples are below. If interested, message me and provide 2-3 reference photos if you want to see yourself in the style, and a short...