average cock

  1. Trailfire

    Photos & Videos Guys With Fur and Small to Average Cocks

    This may not be the best sight for this topic but seeing that many of the pictures of men here have small to average cocks there may be some flexibility in that regard. Men with some to lots of body hair and small to average cocks are the men who excite me the most. Hopefully, I'm not alone...
  2. W

    Average/Unhung Twinks and Twunks

    something so sexy about a twink or twunk with the most average cock (5/6 inches) but the confidence to show it off. all the threads are either huge cocks or micros. the average bros need some love too. bonus if you have @s @ jackson_macro18 on x @rico_nicosd on x @drexxxxxx1on x...
  3. JohnWill2

    Video Average to small cocks on good looking dudes

    I haven't been able to find a really good thread of videos of dudes with smaller cocks. There's the hunks with small cocks thread, but way too many photos for my liking. So I wanted to start a thread to celebrate the videos of dudes with smaller dicks in porn - amateur or pro, hunk or twink, but...
  4. L

    Your average dicks

    No porn sites. Only your 5.5 to 6.5 inch or smaller ldicks getting played with, sucked, or rode.
  5. I

    Small Dick Group

    I'm new here, just trying to find other shy horny gay chub guys with small or average cocks like me, so DM me, maybe we could make a private group or something to chat and share content with each other, plus it doesn't matter where you're from.
  6. N

    Photo just posted my first nude album

  7. K

    Does anyone else…

    Does anyone else just like normal/average sized cocks? So many drooling over the horse size boys. Myself I find more average size guys better and for some reason a large cock is just meh and sorta a turnoff for myself.
  8. A

    Links Average guy porn

    I'm looking for porn starring guys that are sort of average. Average body type, like a bit of a tummy but not too chubby, hairy (not a neccessity), cute face and short hair, average dick size. I don't care whether the porn is straight or gay, and what is done in it. Bonus points if the guy is...
  9. jepe

    Average Men/Dick

    Does anyone have photos/dudes with average sized penis? Around 5-7 inches? These bottoms like them WAY TOO big now days. Average sized and average dudes are hot.
  10. B

    27 Bator

    Great to meet ya LPSG. Young bator looking for friends to swap SC with. Enjoy the preview below
  11. L

    Average naked guys (only your self no porn)

    Post your own average nudes with just you or with you and others. No porn videos or copied images just you posting yourself proud celebrating your average dick and average body.
  12. averagecocko_o

    Average-Small Cock Porn Websites

    Thoughts on a average and small penis specific website. Not humiliation, just regular guys doing the dirty. Gay and Straight Porn would be available and separated. If anyone knows if this exists already let me know. But i’m keen to start it up. Any critiques or ideas please sound off!
  13. jackthecarup

    precum. essence of man

  14. A

    Averagest Penis

    Hello. I wanted to start a new thread to share average penises. While I enjoy all this site has to offer, I wanted to be able to share with my average brethren and anyone else in this space. What do you think about mine? I’ll share more if I get a response.
  15. Boredathome08

    Links Made a twitter alt to show off on, follow me if you’d like! @noct_alt

    It’s too much fun to show off and the pandemic and climate collapse make it having a good time more important than ever. So I finally made an alt twitter to show off on @noct_alt No only fans, not looking to make money, just having a good time. Feel free to follow :) http://twitter.com/noct_alt