balkan guys

  1. S

    Ante Vrankić and his bf (Balkan Gay Couple) OF

    Does anyone have Balkan Gay Couple pics or vids from their OF? I am really curious. I would really appriciate if you send some or at least tell me if it is worth buying. Here is the link to their twitter:
  2. G

    Croatian model - Stefan Modric

    What do we know about this hottie? Gives away gay vibes, but boring socials. He would be a nice bottom lol look at those legs
  3. D

    Grinder / Serbia / Srbija / Balkan

    Pozdrav gej Srbija, malo fotkica, mozda, radi zabave. Srbija, balkan, a i sire naravno... Da vidimo te hot fotke/momke... Hey gay Serbia, lets have some photo fun, hot guys / gays.
  4. M

    Anyone Can ID This Guy? this is a Serbian bodybuilder
