bde: big brag or small sad

  1. C

    What Is Your Girth "range"?

    I recently realized that my girth can range between 0.6 inches or so at my thinnest and at my thickest (thickest usually before or during sex and thinnest is usually recorded when masturbating) which sounds like a lot but even at my thickest it's not even close to 'thick'. I'm assuming most...
  2. C

    How happy are you with your size and would you change it?

    poll allows two responses, one for the first 5 responses (how happy) and another for what change you make, if any
  3. C

    In your opinion, where does thick, wide, long, skinny begin, size wise?

    at what size do you start being "impressed"/"unimpressed (in the case of skinny)" (skinny) or consider impressive/unimpressive ( for skinny) eg. "oh that's kinda fat .... oh that's pretty skinny" etc. https :// www .lpsg. com /threads/thicker-always-better.313763/