

    Ben Kim (Asian, Gay)

  2. S

    Ben Pappas

    Anything on this guy? Hot marine daddy šŸ„µ
  3. J

    Photos & Videos Ben G Thomas, British science youtuber

    Ive gotta abmit i find this guy to be one of the most attractive twinks on youtube at the moment.
  4. S

    Benjamin (Ben) Kielesinski

    Too bad, you're cummming.
  5. T

    Ben Barnes

  6. silveroryx

    Photo Jonathan Carlin (jon Super Carlin Bros.)

    I just love Jon Carlin. I find him weirdly very very attractive(even more than ben his brother). just love his arms/biceps. for lack of shirtless material... here's a few good pics (mostly clothed)
  7. Jimiskewl24

    Benjamin Lasnier (instagram/producer)

    Anyone got any nudes of him or anything else?
  8. 1

    Do you shave cock & balls?

    I hate pubic hair on my cock and balls and shave there regularly.. I leave that hair on my belly though, trimmed.. How do you display your wares?
  9. 1

    My arse out on its own squatting

    I like my arse out..
  10. 1

    Arse out on its own, squatting..

    I like doing this... A lot.